
Simple Plan Creates Hysteria

Latin-American fans are so crazy about Simple Plan that the group has hired bodyguards.

The group Simple Plan has had to hire bodyguards in Latin America. Apparently, it is one of the rare places in the world where they have needed to hire security, says Patrick Langlois, a reporter who has been following the band, collecting footage for an exclusive Musique Plus show featuring Simple Plan in Brazil. The show airs at 4:30pm tomorrow (Saturday, May 2).

In Brazil, members of Simple Plan are living out their own Beatlemania. A member of the rock band said that he now knows how Britney Spears and Paris Hilton feel when they are faced with a swarm of fans.

The quintet from Montreal has been trekking around the world for their latest tour. They have made stops in Poland, Israel, Dubai and Hong Kong. Although the group is caught in whirlwind,  the group is managing to enjoy the ride.