
Sinead O’Connor Fights Sex Trafficking

A Sinead O’Connor song has been selected to help GEMS.

The GEMS organisation (Girls Education and Mentoring Services) is setting out to alert the world of the proliferation of child prostitution, and will be using a song by O’Connor to help them spread the word.

The Irish singer is well known for her political and social stances, and was all-too willing to offer her music to help GEMS raise awareness and funds.

"I was delighted and honored to be part of this movement," O’Connor said during a conference call with reporters. "I was delighted and honored that my song was some way representative of what GEMS was working out and achieving when it comes to helping young women."

The song, This Is To Mother You, was part of her 1997 album, Gospel Oak.  O’Connor is recording a new version to be used for the GEMS campaign.

When O’Connor first recorded the track in 1997, human trafficking was not on her mind.  She explained, "I myself am a survivor, not of sex trafficking but of severe child abuse. So this is obviously a subject that I can identify with when it comes to young girls trying to get out of bad situations and make a good life for themselves. To me, the song was a part of me talking to me."

The song will hit the market on December 2 to profit the GEMS Girls Fund.