
Sir Tom Jones opens up about sexual abuse in music industry

Sir Tom Jones has commented on sexual harassment in the workplace after Hollywood was rocked by Wienstein scandal and says it’s rife in the music industry too,

Sir Tom Jones has alluded to being sexually harassed during his career.

The ‘Sex Bomb’ singer appeared on BBC Radio 5 Live and discussed the allegations that have rocked Hollywood surrounding film producer Harvey Weinstein, who was sacked from his company following a series of sexual harassment accusations.

Tom claimed the problem is rife in the music industry too, recalling a time he was forced to get out of an uncomfortable situation when he was propositioned during a work meeting.

Tom, 77, said: "Things have always happened in the music industry as well. There’s been people complaining about publicists and different things they’ve been expected to do to get a record contract, just like a film contract.

"There were a few things like that. But you avoid it. You just walk out … But what’s tried on women is tried on men as well.

When asked whether he had personally experienced sexual abuse in the music industry, he said: "It wasn’t bad, just somebody tried to pull … it was a question and I said, ‘No thank you.’ You think, ‘Well, I’ve got to get away from this person and it can’t be like this.’

"You should know that yourself, you don’t do things just because you think, ‘I should do this.’ Your own mind will tell you that. Not just in showbusiness, but in any thing you’re in."

Since The New Yorker published an article which contained several women’s accounts of being sexually harassed or assaulted by Weinstein a host of famous actresses, including Kate Beckinsale, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd, have shared their own experiences of Weinstein’s inappropriate behavior.

And while Tom says harassment is often covered up in showbusiness, it almost always comes to light in the end.

He said: "Things happen in showbusiness, and sometimes things are covered up and then they come to light and other people come forward – it’s like taking the cork off of a bottle."

"But justice will out. If you’ve done something wrong you’ve got to pay for it, or prove that you haven’t done anything wrong."