
Six top meditation apps

Meditation can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve focus — and now thanks to a slew of new meditation apps, learning how is accessible to anyone with a smartphone. Here are a few top apps to help you become your own Zen master.

For Android users, Headspace is a free guided meditation app that offers daily meditation sessions and random intermittent "mindfulness buzzers" throughout the day to check in with yourself.

The Mindfulness App
This app helps you stay mindful throughout the day and offers four guided meditations of varying lengths, from three to 30 minutes, as well as a series of silent meditations. Huffington Post cites that its biggest perk is that you can set location alerts to remind you to stop and meditate at a particular time, day, or even location. $1.99.

Billed as "the urban meditation app for modern life," this app has received a lot of buzz from Lifehacker, The Guardian, The Times (London), and was named the number-one health app by The Sun in the UK. The app keeps it simple with guided meditations and tailored plans for when you’re home, walking, or post-workout. $2.99.

iPhone users learn the ropes through a program called "The 7 Steps of Calm," developed with London-based meditation teacher Maggie Richards. The app is a free download, but to access more lessons beyond the first one, you’ll need to spend $4.99.

Smiling Mind
This free app is designed specifically for young people and aims to make meditation fun and easy. Developed by a group of psychologists who specialize in adolescent therapy, the app features programs catering to different age groups, from 7-11 years old to adult.

Mindfulness Meditation By Mental Workout
Meditation teacher and psychotherapist Stephan Bodian developed this popular app to teach you how to meditate with an eight-week program. Also features talks, body scans, and relaxation techniques. $1.99
