
Slash’s effortless collaborations

Slash loves working with Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators because they find crafting new songs together ”effortless” as they have so much fun jamming.

Slash finds working with his current band ”effortless”.

The former Guns ‘n’ Roses guitarist enjoys working with Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators – Myles , Todd Kerns and Brent Fitz – because they are passionate musicians and take a relaxed approach to crafting new songs.

Slash said: ”We’ve always had a collective like-mindedness. Everybody just wants to play. There’s nothing else that we really concern ourselves with, we just like jamming.

”When we get together and work, we work really hard, but you don’t even realise. Whatever ideas come, everyone’s very enthusiastic about trying to figure out their own version or their own interpretation.

”When we get together and start working on an idea, as long as the guys like whatever it is I come to the table with, then we just enjoy jamming it out and making something out of it.”That makes for an effortless record, when everybody just has a good time doing it and doesn’t feel intimidated by trying to think up stuff.”

Slash will tour the UK with his band later this year and is taking inspiration from Aerosmith – who he supported in the US recently – on staging the arena shows.

He told the Independent newspaper: ”It’s the best I’ve seen them in a long time, they’re at the top of their game. It’s just them and some amplifiers.

”In this day and age, it’s really encouraging to see a band be as good as they are without a ton of bells and whistles and all this stuff that everybody seems to need to engage an audience. So when we’re doing arenas we’re going out with that kind of set up.”