
Slayer frontman honored by Chilean hometown

Tom Araya will be presented with keys to the city in a special ceremony.

Slayer frontman Tom Araya will return to Viña del Mar, the Chilean city where he was born, to be honored in a special presentation later this week.

Before playing his first-ever concert in the city on June 3, Araya will receive the ceremonial key to the city from Mayor Virginia Reginato, in the first show of recognition that the government of Chile has given the famous metal musician.

The singer said he remembered little about the city, having left when he was very young. He’d only returned a few times and never stayed for more than a couple of days. He  is planning to take this opportunity to tour the area with his wife and children.

In a 2005 interview, he denied rumors that his family left the country due to political unrest.

"No. Actually, it was like ’66 when we came over to the States, so that was way before any of that sh– started. That happened in ’71 and we were already in the Unites States by that time," he told

The country’s fourth-largest city, Viña del Mar is located on Chile’s Pacific coast about 74 miles north of Santiago.