
Smell of peppermint can suppress appetite

Study finds scent of peppermint can reduce caloric intake up to 23%.

The characteristic smell of peppermint could help control the appetite and make dieting easier, according to a study reported by Medic Magic.

Researchers at West Virginia’s Wheeling Jesuit University worked with 40 volunteers. Over the span of five days, the participants were asked to sniff peppermint every two hours. The following week, they were given a placebo to smell the same number of times a day.

During the week that the volunteers were sniffing peppermint, the researchers found that they consumed 1,800 fewer calories than they did during the week they were given a placebo, a 23 percent reduction in caloric intake.

Peppermint has also been shown to improve mental alertness and focus, and helps relieve bloating and flatulence. Other studies have found it effective in treating headaches, nausea and even anxiety.

For best effects, be sure to use real peppermint leaves or essential oils, rather than products made with artificial aromas.

Peppermint is not recommended for people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease or hiatal hernia, because it can relax the stomach muscles, making it easier for stomach acid to flow back up into the esophagus.