Nouvelles quotidiennes

Snow paralyzes transportation in Europe

Hundreds of flights cancelled in France, England and Germany.

Transportation has practically come to standstill while Europeans try to dig out from a massive snowstorm. During the busiest holiday travel season, hundreds of flights were cancelled Saturday and Sunday (December 18 and 19) at several airports on the continent.

On Saturday, England’s busiest airport, London’s Heathrow Airport, was forced to close all avenues to air traffic. On Sunday, the situation was not much better, with no landings possible and only a few planes able to take off. It was the same story at Gatwick, London’s second major airport, with most flights either cancelled or delayed.

In France, bad weather also forced the cancellation or delay of many flights. Ground transportation wasn’t much better since the weather also caused numerous delays for SNCF trains. On Sunday, even the famous Eiffel Tower had to shut down due to weather.

In Frankfurt, Germany, no fewer than 560 flights were cancelled as the weather continued to deteriorate.

Anyone travelling to Europe is advised to contact their airline regarding flight status.