Pets Files

Social media post seen around the world

A photo of a man’s love for his aging dog – captured by a Wisconsin photographer and posted on Facebook – now has more than a quarter of a million ‘Likes’ from all corners of the globe.

A moving photograph posted August 1 has stopped Facebook users in their tracks and prompted them to send more than 35,000 supportive comments in a variety of languages to John Unger, his pet Schoep (pronounced ‘Shep’ but spelled for a Wisconsin brand of ice cream), and his photographer friend Hannah Stonehouse. From Facebook viral sensation to feature articles and videos on North American news media websites, donations have been pouring in for the elderly dog’s treatment.

The original post with the moving photograph by Stonehouse Photography noted: “This is 19-year-old Shep being cradled in his father’s arms last night in Lake Superior. Shep falls asleep every night when he is carried into the lake. The buoyancy of the water soothes his arthritic bones. Lake Superior is very warm right now, so the temp of the water is perfect…I was so happy I got to capture this moment for John. By the way, John rescued Shep as an 8-month-old puppy, and he’s been by his side through many adventures :).”

Viewers are asked to purchase a copy of the print or make a donation to Schoep’s account at the Bay Area  Animal Hospital. It appears pet love translates in any language. In the two weeks since the posting, as of Wednesday, August 15, it’s received more than 341000 Likes, 209000 Shares, and more than 36,000 comments from all corners of the globe.

Sample comments include: “What a great photo you can just feel the love he has for his dog,” said Laura. “I hope the laser treatments work. You may also want to try acupuncture that can help also. I hope you two are together for years to come.”

Picking up on the emotion evident in the photo, Helen wrote, “I started bawling for this man and his dog, and all the pets I have lost over the years. Then I looked over at Spot, my 11-year-old cat, and bawled some more.”

“This is one of the most incredible moments I have seen that is captured on film. Beautiful Thank you for sharing,” wrote Neat & Tidy.

And while most people have been supportive of Unger’s love for his dog, one commenter, Patty, spoke up about the fact that the dog is 19 years old and has enjoyed a long and happy life.

“I’ve had to put down many a pet and each time, the vet told me I was doing the right thing. This is a precious picture and I love it and admire the guardian for his loyalty and love for his baby but animals are genius at not showing pain…after a bit it’s just time…if this gentleman can’t afford vet care maybe that’s another reason to be kind…I love animals but hate to see them linger too long when it’s really time.” Patty’s courageous comment received four ‘Likes.’

At the time of the photograph, John Unger thought he only had another week or two at the most with his beloved pet, but since the photo went viral and donations have poured in, additional medical treatments mean Schoep will be around a little bit longer. The dog has been receiving laser treatments at a cost of $200 to $300 per session, as well as glucosamine medication.

Unger says Schoep helped him through some rough patches including a relationship break-up and battles with depression; all he wanted to do was return the favor and help ease the dog’s suffering.

“It’s nothing but interviews now, where before it was nothing but berries,” said Unger, who is a caretaker on a fruit farm outside of Bayfield. “That’s all I had to think about before was berries,” he told the Duluth News Tribune.

Despite the avalanche of attention, the small-town professional photographer and the middle-aged bachelor-farmer have no complaints. “It’s so much fun,” Unger said. “Still, I haven’t slept much. I’m not eating well. The dishes are still in the sink, undone. But Schoep is fantastic. … It’s all fantastic.”

Photo credit: Stonehouse Photography