
Socialite in hot water

Paris Hilton charged with felony drug possession, tells police it is gum.

Heiress Paris Hilton is in serious trouble after police pulled over the car she was in last Friday (August 27). Las Vegas police reportedly smelled pot smoke wafting out the window and charged her boyfriend, nightclub owner Cy Waits, with driving under the influence.

To make matters worse, Hilton reached into her purse for some lip balm and out falls a bag of cocaine.

The police report says Hilton denies the handbag was hers: "The purse was not hers. She borrowed it." Her excuse is in the report too. She told police: "She had not seen it but now thought it was gum." The bag of ‘gum’ actually contained 0.8 grams of cocaine.

There are reports the District Attorney in Las Vegas will not offer Hilton a plea deal meaning she could face probation, a fine or one to four years in prison if convicted.
Hilton is scheduled to appear in Las Vegas court on October 27.