
Sofia Coppola is Having a Girl

Director Sofia Coppola is seven months pregnant.

According to USA Today, Sofia Coppola revealed she is having a girl.  This director of Lost in Translation and Marie Antoinette expressed, "I’m so excited to have a little girl."

The father of the baby, and husband of the celebrity, is the French singer Thomas Mars.  The couple has not picked a name yet.  Coppola explained, "When you’re writing, you pick names for characters, but it’s harder in real life."  The mother to be is enjoying shopping for little dresses.

Coppola’s other "baby" is the movie Marie Antoinette, starring Kristen Dunst.  This will be in theatres this Friday.  This movie received an honourable mention at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year.

The 35-year-old director divorced from Spike John in 2003.  Sofia Coppola is daughter of the famous Francis Ford Coppola, known for his work with The Godfather movies.