
Something fresh in Denmark

Danish Prince to launch H perfume.

Renaissance man Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark, 76, the French-born husband of Queen Margrethe, 71, is planning to launch his own fragrance called H, reports FashionMag.

The fragrance, which should be available sometime in June, has been developed by Danish cosmetics line GOSH and is composed of essential oils including grapefruit and cedar.

"The prince has chosen the ingredients of his perfume himself and the fragrance will be exclusively sold at the château de Caïx,” according to the spokesperson for the Royal Court.

Château de Caïx – also known as de Cayx – is the French residence of the royal Danish couple, located in the southwestern region of the country where the prince has been producing wine from the local Cahors vineyeards for decades.

H, the royal fragrance of Prince Henrik of Denmark, will be sold at the château’s boutique alongside his wine bottles – making a wonderful souvenir for visitors.

The prince is something of a renaissance man, born in France, he spent his early childhood in Vietnam, studied at the Sorbonne in Paris, served in the French army, and worked at the French embassy in London. He speaks five languages – French, Danish, English, Chinese, and Vietnamese – and, in addition to winemaking, is also a sculptor, writer and poet.

Married to the Queen since 1972, they have two kids and seven great-grandchildren, and now he can now add perfumer to his long list of accomplishments.