
Soon a drug to fight postpartum depression

Postpartum depression can be treated with special medication.

The Archives of General Psychiatry reports that psychiatrists are currently developing a food supplement that could prevent postpartum depression.

This little pill is composed entirely of natural products and is fully compatible with breastfeeding, which is not case with antidepressants. It would help to stabilize the mood of new mothers.

Postpartum depression affects 13% of new mothers. They become sad, irritable, experience a lack appetite and feel useless. In severe cases, these symptoms persist for up to a year after birth.

Researchers found that dopamine and serotonin levels, substances that balance mood in the brain, are reduced by the enzyme MOA-A (monoamine oxidase A). Women who have recently given birth have a 43% higher rate of MOA-A than other women. Researchers want to eliminate this enzyme that absorbs too much dopamine and serotonin.

A lack of support and isolation are the main factors that lead to postpartum depression.