
Spa Therapies Benefit Osteoarthritis Patients

Spa therapies help reduce the pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee, which affects nearly one of two (46%)  people in their lifetime.

In 50% of the cases, spa therapies, like massages, showers, mud and pool sessions, reduced the pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee.

According to the French Association for Research, spa therapies were also shown to decrease the pain up to nine months after treatment.

The study was conducted using three different types of spa therapies on 460 patients and the results published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

Spa treatments can be used on all types of osteoarthritis. However, when this disease affects the knees, it is the leading cause of functional disability.

This disease affects 20-30% of people aged between 60 and 70 years old and 40 to 50% of people aged more than 80 years old.