
Stephen Fry took cocaine at Buckingham Palace

Stephen Fry has admitted he once took cocaine at Queen Elizabeth’s residence, Buckingham Palace, in London.

Stephen Fry has revealed he once took cocaine at Buckingham Palace in London.

The 57-year-old comedian admits in his new autobiography ‘More Fool Me’ he took the Class A drug at a number of exclusive venues, including the residence of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, 88.

He wrote: ”There is no getting away from it. I am confessing to having broken the law and consumed, in public places, Class A sanctioned drugs.

”I have brought, you might say, gorgeous palaces, noble properties and elegant honest establishments into squalid disrepute.”

The actor, who suffers from bipolar disorder, also took the substance at the House of Commons in London.

Describing the incident, he said: ”Heart beating like an engine, with the slightly trembling devil-may-care desperation of the true druggy, I wiped dry of condensation the rear section of the top of the urinal with the back of my tie, chopped a line there … I took my courage in one hand and my straw in the other and with a sort of coughing House of Commons ‘hear hear!’ roar, sucked in the line and straightened up.”

He added: ”I take this opportunity to apologize unreservedly to the owners, managers or representatives of the noble and ignoble premises above and to the hundreds of private homes, offices, car dashboards, tables, mantelpieces and available polished surfaces that could so easily have been added to this list of shame.”