
Strengthen your child’s immune system

Tips to enhance young immune systems.

During the pregnancy, the fetus is well-protected from external threats to the immune system, however newborns are extremely vulnerable to disease, so here are some tips from for parents who want to help strengthen their child’s immune system.

Exclusively breastfeeding the baby for the first six months of life helps increase antibodies and white blood cells that can strengthen the little one’s immune system.

Fresh fruits and vegetables pack a punch in terms of vitamins and antioxidants that enhance your child’s immune system. At the same time it’s important to avoid processed and junk food which have chemicals and additives that may be harmful to the immune system.

Helping your child adopt a healthy lifestyle during childhood, including regular exercise and team sport, can help confer lifelong benefits in terms of strengthened immune system and improved self-esteem.

Being well-rested is also important as a lack of sleep lowers the immune response. Preschool children should sleep 12 to 13 hours per night, and newborns 18 hours.

Finally, don’t forget the importance of teaching young children proper hygiene. Washing hands thoroughly before meals and after using the toilet helps protect their immune system. It’s also important to regularly supply a new the toothbrush, as it is a carrier for germs.


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