
Stress at work increases risk of asthma

A person can become asthmatic if there is too much stress at work.

For the first time, a study shows that people can become asthmatic if they are under a lot of stress at work and are unable to relax outside their jobs.

Most people with asthma develop the disease during their childhood but, according to the journal Allergy, more and more diagnoses are being made in adulthood.

Researchers at the University of Heidelberg, Germany followed 5,000 people aged 40-65 for eight years. At the end of the study, it was noted that people with stressful jobs had a 40% higher risk of developing asthma. These people complained primarily of long hours, demanding tasks and uncomfortable working conditions.

In the past, studies have shown that stress increases chemicals in the body which in turn increases the risk of developing allergies and disrupting the respiratory tract.

It is therefore important to leave problems at the office and find ways to relax when our job is stressful.