
Student protests parking fine by paying with 14,000 pennies

Stephen Coyle refused to pay a parking fine of $140, and instead paid with 14,000 pennies.

A student who refused to pay a parking fine has protested against the bill by trying to pay it with 14,000 pennies.

Stephen Coyle refused to pay a straightforward $140 – around £90 – for the fine imposed by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and instead, he has collected pennies in baskets to make a point about how the university uses the money it levies in fines.

However, getting hold of 14,000 pennies was no easy task, with Stephen admitting he made five separate trips to the bank to get five $25 boxes, equal to 2,500 pennies each, which took staff three hours 40 minutes to count, according to The Independent newspaper.