
Subsidized reusable diapers

Some municipalities encourage parents to banish disposable diapers.

More and more, environmentalists are advocating the use of cloth diapers for babies to reduce waste.

Some municipalities in the province of Quebec are now following suit.

Families who choose to use reusable, cloth diapers may be eligible to receive a subsidy from their municipality. Some places will cover up to $100 per child to encourage people to use reusable diapers. Disposable diapers result in tons of waste in our landfills each year.

It is estimated that a baby can use between 5,000 and 7,000 diapers from birth until properly toilet trained. Disposable diapers can take up to 500 years to completely decompose. This is why parents are being asked to make a greener choice.

Cloth diapers can be used as many times as needed. Only 20 are required to get your child through this diaper-wearing stage.

Contact your municipality to inquire whether it has a program like this in place.