
Sugar does not make kids hyperactive

Contrary to popular belief, sugar does not increase hyperactivity.

For many years, parents have believed that giving sweets to their children will make them hyperactive or will increase symptoms of hyperactivity.

Yoopa reports that this is just an old wives’ tale. Numerous scientific studies have shown that there is no link between hyperactivity in children and sugar consumption.

In fact, little ones can get excited by everything involved with eating sweets, not just the candy itself. Parents most often let their children satisfy their sweet tooth for cakes, cookies, chocolates and other sweets during family outings, parties, visits with grandparents, etc. The whole adventure is exciting for the children.

Food that children are not normally allowed to eat becomes much more appealing, the so-called forbidden fruit. So the report concludes that behavioural disorders are not linked to sugar consumption in children or adults. The only problem is for parents to put a limit on the amount their children eat and make sure they brush their teeth well afterward.