
Sugar helps us digest bad news

Sugar can make bad news easier to swallow.

According to the Daily Mail, sugary snacks can help us get over bad news.

A new study by researchers at the University of Kentucky found that sugar makes us sweeter and more likely to forgive those who have wronged us.

It is believed that sugar supplies the brain with the fuel it needs to push out the thoughts of blame and revenge. This allows us to forget more easily.

Researchers commented: "These findings provide the first evidence that forgiveness depends on how efficiently the body uses glucose."

Researchers have attempted to ascertain this by examining the relationship between common symptoms of diabetes and the ability to forgive. Type 2 diabetes is primarily linked to obesity and often develops in middle age. After four tests, it was found that diabetics were less lenient and more reluctant to help someone who irritates them.

The brain always needs a bit of glucose, but the body needs more.

It has been demonstrated in the past that sugar lowers stress and aggression and made people less argumentative.