
Sugar, salt, and alcohol can harm the body in minutes

Scientists measure consumption and physical effects on the body.

Scientists have measured the time it takes the consumption of food, alcohol, or tobacco to cause damage to our body, reports the Daily Mail. For example, Australian researchers have found it takes less than 30 minutes after eating lightly-salted food for arteries to stiffen, impairing their ability to pump blood.

U.K. researchers found it takes only 3 seconds for a cigarette to force the heart to work harder. Blood pressure increases and the smoke causes irritation and inflammation to the airways. A cigarette can cause genetic damage in just 15 minutes – when levels of cancer-causing substances peak. It takes six hours for oxygen levels to return to normal.

Sugar can be damaging in less than 2 minutes – as soon as it is in contact with the teeth, bacteria convert it into acid that attacks enamel. Blood sugar rises almost instantly and insulin levels climb – both risk factors for diabetes.

German researchers recruited study participants to have a few drinks while they were lying in a brain scanner. They discovered it only takes 6 minutes for alcohol to decrease the level of protective compounds surrounding the brain. Moderate consumption means the effects are reversible, however the results may help explain why some alcoholics have permanent brain damage.

Within 30 minutes, caffeine increases heart rate, blood pressure and blood flow to the muscles, but at the same time reduces blood flow to the skin and the organs.