
Supreme Court Hears Anna Nicole Smith’s Case

Anna Nicole Smith’s case is now being heard by the Supreme Court of America.

The saga of the inheritance of Anna Nicole Smith has now been brought before the highest American court.

The blond ex-playmate wants to have the inheritance that her former husband left behind.

Smith was married to J. Howard Marshall, who was 63 years her senior.   The billionaire, ranked 181st wealthiest man in the United  States, left her jewellery, gifts, and a residence valued at over 6 million dollars.

Following the death of her husband, there has been an ongoing battle between Smith and Marshall’s son regarding the remainder of the inheritance.

After a first legal battle, which Smith lost, a California court overturned the decision, siding with Smith.

Another appeals court then overturned this latter decision, arguing that the California court had no jurisdiction in this case.

Smith is going to be heard today by nine judges of the Supreme Court.