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Suri Cruise not launching own fashion line

A spokesperson has confirmed Suri Cruise is not launching her own clothing lines, despite rumours the seven year old had signed a $2.3 million deal with her mother Katie Holmes and her business partner.

Suri Cruise is not launching her own clothing line, a spokesperson has confirmed.

The seven-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes was rumoured to have signed a $2.3 million contract with her mother and her Holmes & Yang partner Jeanne Yang to create a new line, but a representative on behalf of the family has stated the rumour "isn’t true".

A source previously claimed the fashionable youngster’s new line would be named Suri and offer a selection of items including clothes, shoes and accessories for young girls.

They said: "Suri is only seven but she is incredibly interested in clothes.

"She has been through a very difficult year and adapted amazingly to her new life in New York, including the upheaval of starting normal school.

"This is a nice hobby for her, it’s certainly not going to take over her life. Most girls dream of being able to make their own clothes, this just means her drawings will now become a reality."

As well as a passion for clothes, budding fashionista Suri also loves wearing her mother’s make-up and has taken beauty tips from Katie, 34, who advises her daughter to opt for a more natural look.

The actress previously explained: "My daughter Suri loves make-up. She’s only six! Usually I can’t find my make-up when her friends come over. I tell her to be subtle with it.

"You can always put more on. Start with one product. You wouldn’t wear all your jewellery at once."