
Susan Boyle passes out

Susan Boyle fainted while waiting for her flight.

New concerns are being raised about singer Susan Boyle’s health after she collapsed in London’s Heathrow Airport on Tuesday morning (February 16), Orange News reports.
The British star, 48, was getting ready to fly to Nice, France and was waiting in the British Airways Club Lounge.
Boyle was examined by medical personnel who finally gave her permission to board the plane. She went from France onto Italy where she performed in the 60th San Remo Festival.
Someone who witnessed the incident says, "It was very dramatic. Susan’s legs just gave way under her and she went down."
A spokesperson for the singer confirms the incident and insists that Boyle recovered quickly. "Susan did faint at Heathrow as she overheated in the lounge because it was so warm. However, she is fine now and gave a fantastic performance at the festival," he says.