Mobile Syrup

SaskTel improving 4G LTE data capacity in dozens of rural communities

SaskTel is investing $10 million to “significantly improve” 4G LTE data capacity in 30 communities.

The investment will go towards installing Samsung Radio Access Network (RAN) equipment and improving the data capacity for the wireless network that serves the communities by more than 100 percent. The move will allow customers to avoid slowdowns caused by network congestion.

The company says work has already begun, and it will finish most of the tower upgrades by March 2023.

“In addition to enhancing the wireless experience that our customers receive today, these upgrades will lay the foundation for the deployment of 5G in the future as we continue our work to bring the next generation in wireless technology to our customers across the province,” Doug Burnett, SaskTel’s president and CEO, said.

Lake Alma, Bruno, and Norquay are some of the communities that benefit from the investment. A complete list is available on SaskTel’s website.

The announcement is part of the company’s commitment to invest $1.5 billion in projects across the province in the next five years. Other projects the company announced under this figure include expanding its 5G network to Craven and its Rural Fibre Initiative.

Image credit: SaskTel

Source: SaskTel