Mobile Syrup

5G could contribute $120 billion to Canada’s GDP growth by 2036: report

5G’s performance upgrades over 4G will lead to economic growth and improved quality of life in Canada, a review from Deetken Insight found.

Commissioned by Telus, the review found 5G will grow gross domestic product (GDP) by 16 percent ($120 billion) by 2036.

5G fixed wireless access (FWA) will also increase the productive capacity of rural communities by allowing operators to deliver high-speed broadband intent in places fibre can’t get to. “5G FWA eliminates the need for costly deployment of deep-fiber fixed access infrastructure while also offering peak rates that few fixed technologies can match,” the review states.

However, Canada needs to take several steps to realize the full benefits of 5G. Spectrum allocations for mid and high-band frequencies are between one and five years behind compared to Germany, Japan, Italy, Australia, and South Korea. Deployment has been limited to low-band networks as these are cheaper to deploy on a non-standalone basis.

The public sector, mobile network operators and various industry stakeholders can take steps to speed up the deployment of 5G, including releasing spectrum quickly and developing an infrastructure strategy that helps with deployment. It’s a must-need for a country expected to see its 5G subscriber count grow by 4 million over the next 12-15 months.

“An ambitious yet coordinated approach to the rollout of 5G is critical to ensuring the benefits are achieved while also ensuring Canada’s 5G networks and the applications that run on them are reliable and resilient,” the review states.

The approach needs to touch on several factors, the review states, including:

  • timely access to relevant spectrum
  • network infrastructure through government investments that support coverage, bandwidth and latency
  • having connected devices and software updates available
  • defining and implementing a “performance management framework” to track 5G performance and contributions

Image credit: Shutterstock

Source: Deetken Insight

Mobile Syrup

5G subscriptions to hit 5 billion in 2028: report

5G use is growing worldwide, Ericsson’s November Mobility report reveals.

By the end of the year, there will be an estimated 1 billion 5G subscriptions worldwide through 228 service providers, led by North America and North East Asia. North America is expected to have 141 million 5G subscriptions by year’s end.

More 5G capable devices are expected to enter the market in 2023, and the average data consumption is estimated to exceed 19GB per month. An earlier survey from Ericsson found many Canadians are on 5G but have a 4G device.

People are subscribing to 5G faster than 4G, and the network is expected to hit 1 billion two years faster than 4G. The availability of devices, prices lowering faster than 4G, and China’s deployment of 5G has played a role.

4G subscriptions are also growing, with a 41 million increase during Q3 2022, hitting 5 billion. Ericsson estimates subscriptions will peak at 5.2 billion by the end of 2022.

Ericsson estimates 5G subscriptions will grow to 5 billion by 2028. North America will lead with 5G penetration at 91 percent, and its residents are estimated to use 55GB of mobile data a month.

Of this, an estimated 4 million Canadians will upgrade to 5G in the next 12-15 months.

Image credit: Shutterstock 

Source: Ericsson