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Hydro One Telecom rebrands to Acronym Solutions

Ontario’s electric utility is renaming its information and communications technology (ICT) company from Hydro One Telecom to Acronym Solutions.

According to the press release, the name change is a “strategic move to signal its focus on providing more value added solutions for business customers.”

This suggests that Hydro One likely decided to rebrand its ICT offshoot to court more private sector business, as “Hydro One” is a name primarily associated with providing a public service (i.e. electricity).

The press release itself describes Acronym Solutions as “support[ing] Ontario-based businesses, large enterprise, service providers, healthcare providers, public sector organizations and agencies, utilities and school boards.”

This client basis is further narrowed down on the company’s revamped website, which describes Acronym Solutions as offering “business solutions,” specifically.

Both the website and press release also feature the new logo for the rebranded ICT company.

This big announcement is perhaps only somewhat overshadowed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealing today that the social media giant is, in fact, changing its name to “Meta.”

Source: Hydro One