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China says it might have detected signs of alien life

Just when you thought the last few years couldn’t get any more ridiculous, China’s science ministry has announced that it’s picked up a signal from one of its telescopes that could be from an alien civilization.

In a now-deleted report, scientists at Beijing Normal University say that a signal detected earlier this year by China’s massive “Sky Eye” telescope could be “technological traces of extraterrestrial civilizations outside the earth.”

The Sky Eye is the largest radio telescope in the world and has been scanning deep space for radio signals for several years now. The researchers behind the project say that in 2019 the telescope detected two narrow-band, possibly artificial radio signals, and then in 2022, another unknown narrow-band signal was discovered in a group of exoplanets.

According to Live Science, narrow-band radio waves are typically only used by human aircraft and satellites, indicating that perhaps these signals are coming from some sort of alien technology.

With this in mind, there’s also a strong possibility that these signals could just be radio interference and not a far away alien civilization.

“These are several narrow-band electromagnetic signals different from the past, and the team is currently working on further investigation,” said Zhang Tongjie, head scientist at the China Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group at Beijing Normal University, to China state-run media outlet Science and Technology Daily (via Live Science). “The possibility that the suspicious signal is some kind of radio interference is also very high, and it needs to be further confirmed and ruled out. This may be a long process.”

It remains unclear why the original report was deleted, especially since the story was picked up by users on China-based social media network Weibo and other state-run outlets in the country.

Image credit: Chinese Academy of Sciences

Source: Beijing Normal University Via: Live Science


Elle Fanning believes in aliens

Elle Fanning believes in aliens.

The 17-year-old actress admitted that she is convinced that there is life on other planets but is unsure if we will ever have proof of the existence of extraterrestrials.

She said: ”I think about them. I don’t think we’re the only thing in millions of galaxies. Maybe we’ll never meet them, maybe we’ll never know about them, but there has to be something, right? I think so.”

Elle also joked that she used to beat her older sister Dakota, 21, up when they were younger.

She said: ”When we were little we would fight all the time. I’m taller, so I would be the one beating her up.”

Meanwhile, Elle portrays a transgender teen in her new movie ‘About Ray’ but admitted she thinks the role should have been played by a transgender actor.

Speaking in NYLON’s November America Issue, she said: ”They should be able to play my part, you know? It should be equal opportunity.”

And Elle praised transgender teens for sharing their own experiences with her and generously giving her advice on how to play Ray.

She explained: ”They opened up to me in the most incredible way- I’m just a stranger who’s doing a movie, but they told me their different journeys and even little details like what chest binder brand is the best one, like, ‘They all suck, but this one’s all right.’ They were so helpful.”

Elle also revealed she was thrilled to be mistaken for a boy while dressed in her costume for the movie.

She said: ”I would go to lunch, and I wouldn’t change, so I looked like Ray. The waiter would come over, like, ‘Oh, are you done eating sir?’ The actor in me was like, ‘Yeah!’ Then I thought, ‘Whoa, actually if that happened to Ray, he would be so excited that someone just saw him for himself.”’