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Seagate fined $300 million for selling hard drives to Huawei

The U.S. Department of Commerce has fined the American data storage company Seagate a hefty $300 million USD (about $404 million CAD). The agency claims that Seagate sold over seven million hard drives to Huawei between August 2020 and September 2020.

“Even after Huawei was placed on the Entity List for conduct inimical to our national security, and its competitors had stopped selling to them due to our foreign direct product rule, Seagate continued sending hard disk drives to Huawei,” said Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement Matthew S. Axelrod.

The Commerce Department blacklisted Huawei in early August 2020, meaning that Seagate was selling its hard drives to the Chinese company after tech export restrictions were already in place.

Over the two months that the hard drives were being sold, Seagate reportedly made around $150 million in profits.

Seagate has reached a settlement with the Commerce Department, agreeing to pay the fine in instalments of $15 million per quarter over five years. In a statement, Seagate CEO Dave Mosley acknowledges its settlement with the American agency, “we believe entering this agreement with BIS and resolving this matter is in the best interest of Seagate, our customers and our shareholders.”

The ongoing technological cold war between America and China rages on. Aside from Huawei, the Commerce Department lists dozens of other Chinese tech companies on its Entity List.

American companies remain blocked from exporting products and from doing business with Huawei.

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce Via: Gizmodo,


Chris Evans and Chris Pratt agree Super Bowl wager

Chris Evans and Chris Pratt have placed a wager on the outcome of the Super Bowl.

The actors – both of whom are Marvel superheroes – have engaged in a light-hearted war of words on Twitter ahead of the game between the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots on February 1, and have agreed to visit a children’s hospital in costume if their team loses.

Evans, a Patriots fan who plays Captain America, said: ”Well, well, well @prattprattpratt, looks like our teams are going into battle. For the next 2 weeks, you are not my friend, you are my enemy (sic)”

Pratt, a Seahawks fan who plays Star-Lord, replied: ”We both know there’s only one Captain America and his name is Russell Wilson.”

Evans responded by asking his fellow actor whether he wished to place a bet on the outcome of the big game.

Pratt responded: ”OK. Seahawks win you fly yourself to Seattle, visit @seattlechildren hospital as Captain America, waving the 12th man flag.”

Evans accepted the challenge, predicting his team would win the Vince Lombardi Trophy.

He said: ”I accept. And when the Patriots humiliate your seachickens, I expect Star-Lord to arrive at @chris_haven in a Brady jersey.”


Mel B joining ‘America’s Got Talent’

Mel B is replacing Sharon Osbourne on ‘America’s Got Talent’.

The 37-year-old former Spice Girl – who previously worked on Australian ‘X Factor’ – has reportedly signed a deal to join the judging panel for the NBC ahead of the start of its auditions in Los Angeles next month, after winning over the show’s boss Simon Cowell.

A source told the "Simon loves trying people out on his shows, Mel’s already been a judge on ‘X Factor’ Australia and it’s too far for her to keep taking the kids.

"She did want to do ‘X Factor’ UK, but Simon really wanted her to do ‘America’s Got Talent’. She’s outspoken and never afraid to speak her mind, she makes for good TV. NBC execs will be watching through their eyes – let’s hope they won’t be using the delay button on live TV."

The mother-of-three is expected to join Howard Stern and Howie Mandel on the live TV show.

Sharon quit the panel last August after accusing NBC of "discrimination" against her son Jack, who was allegedly axed from its other reality show ‘Stars Earn Stripes’ after he revealed his multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis.

‘The Talk’ host previously insisted she will continue watching ‘America’s Got Talent’ after she leaves because her experiences on the program were "fabulous".

She said: "You know I’ve done it for six years, this show is the most fabulous show to work on.

"I have an amazing team of people that I work with, and Simon Cowell who created this is a genius.

"I have worked with him for 10 years, and he’s has been so great to me but it’s just time, you know when your gut tells you, ‘Time to move on and do other things.’

"I do truly love doing the show. If I wasn’t on it I’d still watch it."

Howard also recently hinted he might not return to the judging panel either.

The outspoken radio star – who replaced Piers Morgan last year – is said to have dropped major hints he will not return for a second stint as a judge on the popular reality TV series amid rumors the show’s format will be completely overhauled for its eight series.


An Unreleased Song by Michael Jackson

TMZ posted in exclusivity a song Jackson recorded called A Place With No Name, which was inspired by the classic hit A Horse With No Name by the group America.

Jim Morey, the band’s manager, who had also once been Jackson’s manager, explained that the group gave the singer consent to remake their song. “The band was honored that Michael chose to do their song and they hope it becomes available for all Michael’s fans to hear,” Morey said.

Morey added that he did not know exactly when Jackson recorded A Place With No Name. has released a 25-second track of the never heard before song online.