Pets Files

Introducing your pet to new baby

Pets are often the first stepping stone to creating a family and help a young couple prepare for the responsibilities of parenthood. Unfortunately, young families expecting their first child often eventually decide to relinquish their pet, fearful that it might harm the baby.

Parents-to-be need to know how to gently transition the family’s attention when a new child takes center stage, and that there are specific ways to prepare a pet for safe introduction to children. If you or someone you know is expecting, you can send them this link to a free download Pet Meets Baby from the American Humane Association, which offers guidance to help families safely introduce a new baby or new child to a beloved pet.

Children and pets – a natural combination
Children and pets go together like Snoopy and the Peanuts gang – they’re a natural combination. Kids raised with companion animals often have higher self-esteem and self-confidence, more trusting relationships with others, and improved non-verbal communication skills.

A certified animal behavior consultant with the American Humane Society for many years, Katenna Jones, co-authored Pet Meets Baby as a helpful resource and offers plenty of practical tips like the following.

  • How to prepare the pet’s possible re-location to another room
  • How to encourage careful first introductions
  • How to understand when a pet becomes stressed
  • What to do so that children and pets can grow up together and form strong bonds

Share your own “Pet Meets Baby” story
In addition to the free booklet, the American Humane Society invites readers to share their stories and how they integrated pets and children in the home. Those who fill out the short online survey will automatically be entered into a sweepstakes to win one of several prize packages from Victoria Stilwell, the star of Animal Planet’s It’s Me or The Dog and a national ambassador for American Humane Association.

“Introducing a new baby to your family pet can be a beautiful thing,” said Stilwell. “The bond that can develop between children and their pets is priceless if it is built on safe practices, mutual respect and love.

“Bringing home a new baby can be stressful for pets. If that process is not managed and successfully prepared for, the consequences can range from the mildly annoying to tragic. ‘Pet Meets Baby’ is a great resource I recommend to my clients to make sure they know what to expect and how best to minimize the risks associated with introducing new family members – whether they have four legs or two.”

Before you think about giving away your beloved pet for fear that it might harm your baby, it’s worth checking out Pet Meets Baby, so that both you and your pet can be confident about welcoming the latest addition to your family home.


Talking to babies stimulates them

Words play an important role in brain development even before little ones begin to speak. Words
influence three-month-old babies more than other sounds, including musical tones.

Alissa Ferry, Susan Hespos and Sandra Waxman from the psychology department at the
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences released a new in the March/April edition of the Child

Fifty three-month-old babies were divided into two groups. One group was shown pictures of fish
accompanied by words. The second group was shown pictures of fish accompanied by a series
of beeps.

Later, the same babies were shown an image of a new fish plus an image of a dinosaur to
measure how long they they looked at each picture. Babies who had seen the photo along with
words looked longer at the fish image, indicating they that had categorized the fish in their mind.

Susan Hespos, associate professor of psychology, said "for infants as young as three months of
age, words exert a special influence that supports the ability to form a category. These findings
offer the earliest evidence to date for a link between words and object categories."

Previous studies have shown that even 12-month old babies can understand an adult’s complex

It’s believed that babies listen to conversations when they are in utero, and after they are born,
can recognize their parent’s voice.