Cottage Life

Wild Profile: Meet the stink bugs

Stink bugs. Can’t live with ’em, can’t keep ’em from squeezing into your cottage and stinking up the joint. Well, you can. It just might take a little work.

Why are there so many stink bugs?

Fall is stink bug season. At least, that’s when you’re likely to notice them. As the temperatures drop, stink bugs—North America has more than 250 different species—start to move indoors…sometimes right into your cottage. “Lots of insects overwinter in the adult stage, which means that when the weather starts to get colder, they have to find places to spend the cold weather,” says Bob Anderson, an entomologist at the Canadian Museum of Nature. Great for the stink bug. Not so great for you.

Do stink bugs bite? Are stink bugs harmful?

In general, true stink bugs don’t bite or sting. The most they’ll do is land on your pant leg and freak you out. The invasive brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys, pictured), native to Asia, is harmful in the sense that it can destroy entire fruit and vegetable crops, along with a wide variety of plants. (If you think you spot one—look for the two distinctive white bands on the bug’s last two antenna segments—most provinces would like you to report the bug, and have online reporting forms like this one from the B.C. government. To learn more about this invasive, and how to ID it, visit the Invasive Species Centre.

What do stink bugs smell like?

Stink bugs stink either when crushed, or when threatened. They release a strong-smelling substance from their abdomens. Most people liken it to cilantro, but others describe it as freshly cut grass, dirty socks, cat pee, Jolly Rangers, rubber, cinnamon…In short, stink bugs smell like anything.

What attracts stink bugs? How do I repel stink bugs?

In spring, stink bugs are drawn to your property because of native plants or fruit trees. But they’re really only a nuisance when they come inside. Like plenty of other insects, they’re attracted to light, and they’ll find tiny openings to use as doorways into your cottage. There’s unfortunately no sure-fire way to repel them. Your best defense is the same defense that you’d use against any pest insect: inspecting the exterior of the cottage for any cracks and crevices, and sealing them up with caulk. Look around windows and doors, around siding and utility pipes, behind chimneys, and underneath the wood fascia. Look pretty much everywhere. (This will help keep your cottage free from other critters, too.)

As for chemical methods, an all-purpose, exterior spray—the sort that pest control companies use for cluster flies, “would likely do the job,” says Glen Robertson of Robertson’s Wildlife and Pest Control in Coldwater, Ont. The problem? You’d need to get this done early in the fall, before you start to notice them indoors, and a spray could also harm non-target insects. Which means you could end up killing beneficial bugs that you actually want around.

How do I get rid of stink bugs?

“We usually just tell people to vacuum them up,” says Robertson. (Get rid of the vacuum bag right away to avoid any stench.) Happily, the bugs won’t damage your cottage, breed and reproduce, eat your food, or do much of anything while they’re there. If they survive the winter, they’ll leave in the spring.

Cottage Life

Wild Profile: Meet the water strider

The water strider may be creepy-looking—why are your legs so long and spindly, bug?—but it’s also very cool. This bug walks across water. It achieves this miracle feat by perfectly distributing its weight across all six, widespread legs. The tips of each leg are covered in many minute, waterproof hairs. This forms a sort of thin film, just enough to support the bug’s weight—unless something heavier pierces the water’s surface.

Do water striders bite?

That’s everyone’s first question when they see the bugs. We get it: they’re not exactly cute. But the answer is no. At least, they don’t bite people. They are, however, excellent at snatching up prey, such as spiders and other, smaller insects. Resting on the lake, a water strider is almost invisible when it’s motionless, but if it senses a small disturbance at the surface of the water, it can rush forward and grab its clueless prey. It holds the bug with its front legs and uses stabby mouthparts to pierce the creature’s body. Then it sucks out the delicious fluids inside. If you’re grossed out, you should also keep in mind that a water strider helps control the pesky mosquito population; it eats mossie larvae.

Can water striders fly?

Some species can. Their wing length depends on their habitat. Species that spend more time in rough waters have shorter wings, since waves and turbulence would damage longer ones. Other species, such as those that live in temporary ponds—ponds that could disappear later in the summer, for example—have a winged stage, so that they can fly away before the water is gone. That said, you’re not likely to notice water striders flying around. More likely, you’ll spot them congregated in groups on calm waters. They arrive on the cottage scene as soon as the ice melts in spring, and hang around to mate in early summer. By October, the second generation of the season usually finds shelter under rocks near the water, and hibernates for the winter.

Mobile Syrup

macOS Monterey using up insane amounts of RAM with new bug

If you’ve recently upgraded your Mac to macOS Monterey, you might notice some apps using ridiculous amounts of RAM.

Some users are reporting apps like Firefox and Control Centre using between 20GB and 70GB, according to MacRumors. In our testing, when I used Final Cut Pro X on the new MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM, there was a point where it boosted all the way up to 67GB of RAM usage.

My first reaction was to assume that the app was trying to use SSD space as a substitute for RAM to push my files around.

I’m not so sure now, and perhaps the RAM usage wasn’t designed to boost up that high. It only happened to me once, but MacRumors says that affected users quickly ramp up RAM usage again after restarting their computer.

With all of this in mind, if you have a Mac with only 16GB of RAM, it might be better to wait a few more days or weeks before updating to Monterey to make sure that you don’t run into this issue.

Source: MacRumors