Mobile Syrup

HDMI 2.1a is a confusing new spec arriving at CES 2022

There’s a new HDMI standard on the way that will both bring welcome new features and exacerbate existing problems with the increasingly confusing connection standard.

Set to debut at CES 2022 is HDMI 2.1a, a revision to the current HDMI 2.1 that’s already rather confusing. HDMI 2.1a adds support for Source-Based Tone Mapping (SBTM), a new HDR feature that can offload some of the HDR tone mapping to the content source (i.e. your computer or set-top box) that can work alongside the tone mapping happening on your TV or monitor.

It’s important to note that SBTM doesn’t replace HDR10 or Dolby Vision — instead, it’s meant to help existing HDR set-ups work better. According to The Verge, it does so by letting the content source optimize content it passes to the display and can remove the need to have users calibrate their screens for HDR by making the source device configure content for a specific display.

Another plus: the HDMI Forum (an organization that defines the HDMI standard) says that companies can add HDMI 2.1a support to set-top boxes, consoles and TVs through firmware updates “depending upon their design.” However, as The Verge points out, most people will likely never see these firmware updates and will instead need to wait and buy a new version of the hardware with HDMI 2.1a support when it becomes available.

Like HDMI 2.1, the new features in 2.1a aren’t mandatory

As for the downsides, HDMI 2.1a’s features will act like all the other HDMI 2.1 features. That means they’re optional.

The problem, according to TFTCentral, is that the HDMI Licensing Administrator (the organization that handles licensing of the HDMI standard) treats HDMI standards as a set that contains all other HDMI standards. In other words, once HDMI 2.1a comes out, all new ports will, in theory, be labelled as HDMI 2.1a because HDMI 2.1 effectively doesn’t exist anymore.

However, because the new HDMI 2.1a features aren’t required, manufacturers can effectively ship devices with ports labelled as HDMI 2.1a but without the full functionality of HDMI 2.1a. Granted, TFTCentral notes that most manufacturers don’t abide by those rules and properly label HDMI ports based on the included features, but the rules don’t force companies to do this.

All this means that once HDMI 2.1a arrives, it’ll be in a very similar position to HDMI 2.1. In other words, 2.1a will offer new, beneficial features that companies don’t have to adopt. Customers, meanwhile, will be left needing to research and figure out if the new device they want actually supports HDMI 2.1a features or just happens to have the HDMI 2.1a label.

Source: The Verge, TFTCentral

Mobile Syrup

USB-C cables get new identification icons to show power and speed

Several new USB-C identification symbols for cable and port packaging just dropped. Companies can use the symbols to help consumers tell which USB-C cables, ports and charging bricks can do what.

The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), a group that maintains the USB standard, created the new icons, which work alongside the USB4 and 240 watt (W) power standards.

While ultimately it’s good to have symbols to help identify which USB accessories can do what, the new icons exemplify an ongoing issue with USB-C: it’s confusing.

USB-C was supposed to be much simpler. One port to rule them all, everything just works, etc. Except, that’s not the case.

Seasoned tech veterans likely won’t have an issue here (the new identification symbols generally do a good job communicating what a cable can do). But for those not immersed in the tech world, trying to figure whether you need the USB4 40Gbps cable or the USB Type-C 240W cable or the one that does both (or the one that does neither) could be confusing.

The Verge points out that the new branding ties into the USB Power Delivery (USB PD) 3.1 specification announced earlier this year, which confusingly lives under the USB Type-C Release 2.1 specification. Ultimately, all these things are trying to communicate the power level that cables and charging bricks can deliver, now up to 240W with the correct cable and brick combination.

I would argue that having identification symbols is better than not having them. It’s also arguably better than having several different port types, although in many cases, people still need USB-A, HDMI, DisplayPort and other kinds of ports (we are definitely not in a one-port world yet). And don’t get me started on the variety of proprietary charging hardware from laptop manufacturers that use the Type-C port but don’t fall under any USB spec.

When you compare to another specification that uses the USB Type-C port — Thunderbolt 4 — it’s clear that USB is much more confusing. Anyone shopping for a Thunderbolt 4 cable just needs to look for the Thunderbolt 4 logo, and then they know it can handle everything in the specification.

To me, that’s the ultimate solution — one standard that works for everything I need. Charging, video, data transfer, etc. Maybe USB will get there one day.

Source: USB-IF Via: The Verge