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Federal government invests millions to connect rural Newfoundland and Labrador residents with faster internet

The Government of Canada allocated $136 million to connect the remaining rural households of Newfoundland and Labrador with high-speed internet.

The government announced earlier this month funding from the Universal Broadband Fund (UBF), a federal initiative that supports internet projects across the country, will help bring high-speed internet to 528 homes in North West River and the Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation.

On February 21st, Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development, announced the $136 million investment would benefit various communities, including Red Bay, Cape Broyle, Humber Valley.

$116 million of this funding comes from the UBF, and $20 million is coming from the government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

“An investment in broadband is an investment in communities. It spurs economic growth and improves access to a range of services, from health care to educational opportunities,” Andrew Furey, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, said in a statement. “In my travels around the province, the need for reliable broadband is often raised by residents and community leaders–and our government has been committed to addressing it.”

Check out a map highlighting all of Canada’s UBF projects here.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Source: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada