Mobile Syrup

BlackBerry neutralizes its carbon footprint

Canadian technology company BlackBerry says it achieved carbon neutrality.

This means the company has taken steps to remove as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it releases.

The company has used the standards put out by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, a group that established frameworks to manage greenhouse gas emissions, including in the corporate world, as its basis.

BlackBerry has achieved this by taking a number of steps, including shifting workloads to cloud-based solutions and partnering with school boards across the country to enact energy efficiency measures.

The company has also reduced emissions by 88 percent since 2013 across its facilities by managing how much energy is consumed, examining business-related travel, and waste management.

“Businesses are key to building a more sustainable and equitable today and tomorrow,” Neelam Sandhu, the company’s senior vice president, said in a statement. “BlackBerry is proud to have achieved carbon neutrality, invest in carbon removal, and partner with customers to reduce their carbon footprints through our cloud-based solutions.”

Image credit: ShutterStock

Source: BlackBerry

Mobile Syrup

Sonos working to make future products more efficient and repairable

Speaker company Sonos announced plans to make its speakers last longer and use less energy. The plans come as part of the company’s larger effort to make itself more sustainable by minimizing e-waste and pollution that drives climate change.

According to The Verge, improving the repairability of products is a significant part of Sonos’ plans. The company started a ‘Design for Disassembly’ program this year to help guide the development of new speakers in 2023.  The program will include changes like using fasteners instead of adhesives, which will make it easier for consumers to take Sonos products apart and repair them.

Unfortunately, Sonos hasn’t revealed much more about the program yet. So far, it’s unclear if Sonos plans to make replacements parts and repair manuals available to customers.

Still, Sonos’ director of policy and corporate social responsibility confirmed to The Verge that the program will “make it easier to repair, refurbish and, eventually, recycle future Sonos products.”

Sonos will start using recycled plastics in its products

Aside from improving repairability, Sonos plans to start using post-consumer recycled plastic in all its products by the end of 2023. Although using recycled plastics can help prevent some plastics from ending up in landfills, oceans or animals, The Verge points out that recycling has so far not been a great solution for dealing with the worsening plastic pollution problem. Worse, because plastic degrades each time it’s reused, many companies mix in new plastics with recycled plastics. As demand for recycled plastics grows, it could lead to greater demand for new plastics too.

Another goal Sonos has is to include ‘sleep mode’ on all its products by 2023. Sleep mode can reduce power consumption when a device is idle — Sonos first added it to its Roam speaker this year. The company aims for its products to use less than 2 watts while idle.

Interestingly, Sonos says that about 75 percent of its carbon footprint comes from the energy its products use over their lifetime. That differs significantly from other consumer electronics, which see up to 80 percent of CO2 emissions come from manufacturing, according to a Greenpeace report. Factoring in both Sonos’ supply chain and consumers’ energy use, Sonos says it was responsible for CO2 emissions equivalent to 267,528 cars driven over a year.

Relying on carbon offsets to cancel its legacy pollution

Finally, Sonos wants to cut emissions from its products’ energy use by 45 percent by 2040, as well as cancel its entire footprint by that date through a mixture of carbon offsets and tech that removes CO2 from the atmosphere. Again, however, carbon offsets aren’t exactly a reliable solution — this ProPublica report details some of the rampant problems with relying on carbon offsets. Further, technologies that remove CO2 from the atmosphere have not yet scaled up to meet the needs of companies promising to use the tech to erase their legacies of pollution.

All that said, it is good to see Sonos at least make the effort. The company should prioritize reducing its environmental footprint since that will likely have a more immediate impact than relying on carbon offsets to take care of past pollution. Hopefully, Sonos will lead the way in the smart speaker space and drive more companies to adopt environmental policies like sleep modes and other things that reduce carbon footprints.

Source: The Verge

Mobile Syrup

Google Cloud customers can now track their carbon footprint

Google Cloud is launching a new electricity-tracking product and expanding access to its satellite imagery software, in an effort to introduce more sustainability features to its suite of cloud computing services.

The announcements are among several made at the company’s annual customer conference, Google Cloud Next.

“Carbon Footprint” is a new product that tracks carbon emissions by measuring how much electricity each customer — i.e. company — expends while using the Google Cloud platform.

According to an official blog post, the purpose of the product is to provide companies with data “to show their employees, boards and customers their progress against climate targets.”

The product also flags when customers have unattended or idling projects in the cloud that are using up electricity — similar to how Google Photos will detect duplicate photos and suggest you delete them to save space.

Interestingly, Google Cloud customers are also gaining some access to Google Earth Engine.

Google’s reasoning is that the satellite imagery software will let companies “track, monitor and predict changes in the Earth’s surface due to extreme weather events or human-caused activities” and as a result help them “save on operational costs, mitigate and better manage risks, and become more resilient to climate change threats.”

Last week, Google rolled out a number sustainability-oriented updates to its ubiquitous search engine.

The new features included adding CO2 emission labels to flights in Google Flights listings, adding badges to its hotel search tool indicating whether a hotel is eco-certified, and a forthcoming plan to improve the results page when folks use Google to search for infomation about climate change.

GIF source: Google 

Source: Google