Mobile Syrup

You can now keep track of your cat effortlessly thanks to Tile’s new tracker

Forget about tagging your phone, wallet, earbuds, keys or anything else that you deem essential. Tile, the company known for its AirTag-like trackers, now has a new offering that helps make sure you never lose the most prized possession of all — your feline friend.

The new Tile for Cats tracker from Life360 is a version of the Tile Sticker tracker complete with a silicon attachment and a 250-foot Bluetooth range. Seriously, it’s meant to be attached to your cat’s collar so that you always know exactly where your precious furbaby is.

The battery for the Tile for Cats tracker is set to last three whole years (that’s around 29 cat years, by the way), with the sticker being easily replaceable. It also features AI assistant integration for Siri, Google Assistant and Alexa, meaning that you can find out exactly which bed your cat is hiding under with a simple voice command.

The Tile for Cats includes the Tile sticker and attachment that is designed to fit on most cat collars, including breakaway collars. The attachment is capable of stretching up to 1.7 times without breaking and is water resistant.

The new Tile is Life360’s first dedicated pet tracker, although it had teased the idea of using its standard trackers on animals before. The company’s new offering was created for indoor use only due to its limited range, so it’s best if you don’t let your kitty wander too far.

The Tile for Cats costs $40 USD (approximately $54.53 CAD.)

For more cat-related tech news, check out how much cats have been enjoying the 2022 PS5 title, Stray.

Image credit: Life360

Source: Newswire Via: Engadget

Mobile Syrup

Real cats really like Stray

Stray is a game where you control a cat in a city devoid of human life.

You can scratch carpets, curl up on bookshelves, eat food, knock objects on the ground and meow. Our Patrick O’Rouke played the game, and one of the things he mentioned was that when the cat in the game would meow, it would cause his real-life pet cat to check it out.

You can also make the cat meow on command, and the noise comes directly through the PS5 DualSense gamepad’s built-in speaker as well as the television. This caused my real-life pet cat to come barreling into the room, only to leave a few minutes later confused after not finding a feline friend meowing in my office.

And Patrick’s cat is not alone.

Check out those on Twitter sharing their cats’ reactions to the new PlayStation and PC title.

There’s even a ‘Cats Watching Stray’ Twitter account retweeting all the lovely felines watching Stray. To learn more about Stray, check out Patrick’s full review here.

Source: Cats Watching Stray

Mobile Syrup

Starlink’s ‘Snow Melt Mode’ seems to be really good at attracting cats

Starlink’s satellites have an unintended purpose.

The satellite internet company that aims to offer internet services to rural and remote communities around the world with its dishes has a knack for attracting cats with its warmth.

Starlink user Aaron Taylor snapped a photo of a Starlink dish covered in cats enjoying its warmth with the device set to ‘Snow Melt Mode.’

The feature “produces additional heat to mitigate signal attenuation caused by snow build-up on the face of the user terminal,” and apparently, also attracts felines looking to keep warm in cold winter weather.

Starlink currently has 140,000 subscribers worldwide and is available in 20 countries, including Canada.

In late 2021, the SpaceX-owned company confirmed that it was delaying the delivery timeline of Starlink dishes to 2022 for some customers due to the ongoing worldwide silicon shortage.

Source: @Tippen22 Via: Tesmanian 


Nicole Scherzinger ‘definitely’ wants kids

Nicole Scherzinger ”definitely” wants to marry and have children.

The 36-year-old singer recently split from Lewis Hamilton after seven years on and off together but she is still keen to settle down and have a family one day.

Asked if she still wants marriage and kids, she said: ”Settling down is definitely in the picture for me but everything at the right time.”

Nicole recently completed a stint in West End musical ‘Cats’ and found playing Grizabella a ”cathartic” experience because she related so much to her feline alter-ego.

She said: ”I grew a lot as a person throughout. At times, I felt I was transforming into my character. The show is quite cathartic.

”It’s the story of a broken woman wanting forgiveness who needs a new start in life, then she ends up being the one chosen to be reborn again.

”Everyone goes through struggles. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to the song ‘Memory’ [from the show], especially anyone who’s been broken and is longing to find happiness again.

”I think we have to be vulnerable sometimes and let things go.”

Despite her successful singing career, Nicole is keen to branch out and do more acting.

She added to LOOK magazine: ”I want to continue to tour the world and then do some movie acting.

”I’d love to do a musical or comedy – I like to be a goofball. I’m a big fan of Judd Apatow’s movies.”


Nicole Scherzinger ‘always late’

Nicole Scherzinger is ”always late”.

The ‘Don’t Hold Your Breath’ hitmaker has revealed poor timekeeping is her worst character trait, and frequently causes her to miss special events and meetings.

She confessed: ”I’m always late. I miss the most important things.”

The 36-year-old star revealed one recent potential encounter with the Dalai Lama, which was scuppered by her inability to stick to schedule.

She explained: ”Just recently in LA I was due to meet with the Dalai Lama – we were going to sit down and have a one-to-one – I’d even found out that he gives you a special scarf when you meet. But I missed him.”

Thankfully, the former Pussycat Dolls member – who is currently appearing as Grizabella in the West End musical ‘Cats’ at London’s Palladium Theatre – was not too untimely to miss the whole of the renowned monk’s speech, but admitted she was frustrated with herself for being unnecessarily delayed and missing their slot to have a conversation.

She told The Mail on Sunday’s Event magazine: ”I got there to hear him speak and I saw him briefly afterwards in the hall but I didn’t make my audience with him. I was so mad at myself – but I will always be late.”

Pets Files

Best holiday gifts for pets

Keeping in mind that every day is Christmas for your pet – as long as you’re around, try not to go overboard spending on your fur kids. So what’s a good pet parent to buy this year? Here are a few suggestions for pet owners and animal lovers alike.

Best gift ever for cat or dog
Thoughtful, practical and personalized, it’s a small and simple thing –– as the best gifts often are. For cats and dogs, one of the best pet gifts ever is the identification tag – engraved or otherwise. If a pet escapes or accidentally wanders off, an ID tag is the gift that keeps on giving, especially when a beloved pet is returned home safe and sound.

Surfing websites, you’ll find tags can range from classic dog bone shape to the latest design trends. Depending on your taste and budget, selection includes stainless steel, aluminum, or brass, and range in price from $3 to $10. Etsy offers hand-stamped metal designs for around $10 while Martha Stewart offers tips on how to design your very own adorable pet tags. If your pet already has an ID tag, you might be interested in the range of personalized pet items like food bowls, treat jars, bandannas, picture frames and more – some lovely affordable pet gift ideas.

Environmentally-friendly gifts for animal lovers
When in doubt, give a gift to the planet with environmentally-friendly gifts listed on Animal Planet. From comfy recycled duvet beds and dog collars, to corrugated kitty condos and a disposable biodegradable litter box, these are great eco-friendly gift ideas.

Holiday gifts for dogs
For small, delicate breeds consider a practical gift like a new winter coat, booties or sweater. Keep the receipt in case the items don’t fit. Larger dogs also appreciate winter booties, particularly if there’s lots of salt on the sidewalks and roadways in your neighborhood. Winter tip: Non-clumping kitty litter is a pet-friendly and environmentally-sound alternative to salt.

Your pet might also enjoy a comfy new pet bed, or perhaps it’s time for a new leash or collar. Great stocking stuffers include yummy doggie treats, as well as the classic tennis ball (available in regular and small) and squeaky toys. You might want to save your hearing (and sanity) by purchasing toys with a supersonic squeak that only dogs can hear.

Holiday gifts for cats
What kitty doesn’t love their catnip? Sprinkle some near a brand new scratching post and save some wear and tear on your furniture and drapes. Many a cat toy sits gathering dust, so homemade toys like string and treats that help reduce kitty’s tartar and hair balls are better gifts. For more ideas, Amazon lists gifts for cats that range from a “cat veranda” to a “pet stroller” of all things.

Celebrate the spirit of the season by giving back
Not sure what to buy your pet for the holidays? A donation to PETA or your local humane society is perfectly in keeping with the spirit of the season. Perhaps you and your pet want to do something nice for your local pet shelter like donate treats, sponsor a pet, or even take one of the dog’s out for a walk and some TLC.

So take a moment from your hectic holiday preparations to stop and count your blessings, especially the big and little furry ones that bring so much joy and love into your life. Let’s take a cue from our pets because they know how to make every day feel like Christmas simply in the way that they acknowledge us– with joy, love and happiness.

Credit :

Pets Files

Online pet shaming photos: Humiliating or harmless?

Pet shaming – where owners share photos of their dog or cat’s destructive escapades – is a growing online trend, unfortunately some take it too far. It started as a cute Internet diversion, “Stuff my kids ruined,” where parents featured photos of destroyed laptops, smartphones, and crayoned walls.

Now the idea has trickled down to pet owners, and a number of cute and not-so-cute photos are appearing online depicting pets with signs nearby, or hung around their necks, that announce their “shame” to the world.

Harmless and entertaining
Most dog-shaming photos are quite funny and harmless, like the one showing a cute little black dog yawning while nestled in blankets next to a sign that reads: “I have been in this bed for 16 hours straight.”

In another photo, two large beige dogs named Phoenix and Angie are sprawled asleep on the living room floor surrounded by the debris of some now unidentifiable item, nearby, a hilarious hand-lettered sign reads: “We wrecked the joint.”

In what could be an online set-up, one of the funniest photos features a dog training DVD punctured with teeth marks and an accompanying brochure with shredded corners. All of these supposed dog shaming photos are perfect examples of the frustrations of pet ownership, but they’re kept humorous, harmless, and entertaining.

Humiliating and questionable
Unfortunately, there are always some dog owners who leave you wondering how these poor dogs will be treated after the camera is put away. There are signs around the dog’s neck or nearby that spell out their shame and call them names, like jerk, a—hole, or even s—face.

This incredibly abusive evidence has raised the ire of other pet parents, as noted by emotional comments and blogs posted. The mean-spirited photos are unsettling and cast a pall over the remainder of lighthearted photos in the mix.

Which type of pet parent are you?
One way to test the treatment of your pet is to ask yourself if you would ever treat a human toddler that way. After all, most dogs only understand language and commands to the level of a 2- or 3-year-old human. If the owner hasn’t raised the dog properly, that is where the real responsibility lies, and hopefully, there’s a special place reserved for people who torment their animals.

With the amount of shaming we’re seeing online, any dog whisperer would have their work cut out for them. So what are some of the remedies for chewed shoes, sofas, and such? Crating your pet from puppyhood helps get the dog accustomed to sleeping quietly in one place while you’re out of the home.

Typically, if you have crated the dog for the first six months of its life, it generally does not associate your absence with an excuse to destroy things. However, it’s important that you don’t leave a pet alone too long – even the best-behaved pet will not like being left on its own for 12 hours straight.

That being said, all puppies are teething and chewing comes naturally, so the important thing is to correct the bad behavior and supply a positive chewable substitute like a rawhide; and then praise them while they’re chewing it.

Of course, you may need to put away your shoes and keep an eagle eye on the dog while at home, to catch and correct behavior. If you do post a dog shaming photo, make sure it’s cute and lighthearted, otherwise, the only one being shamed is you.

Pets Files

Dogs win pet popularity contest

Dogs are still the most popular pet in America with 36.5 percent of all households in the United States owning a dog, compared to 30.4 percent owning cats, according to a survey of more than 50,000 households by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA).

A representative sample of about 222,000 U.S. households received an online questionnaire in February 2012, and a little more than 50,000 responded. Expected to be released in early December, the AMVA report is not an actual pet census, however pet population estimates were projected based on the sample group.

“Our U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook is one of the most anticipated sources of information about trends in pet ownership and veterinary care,” said AVMA Chief Executive Officer Dr. Ron DeHaven. “There is really no other source of information in the industry that is as respected and complete. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau cites the U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook in their publications.”

74 million cats vs. 70 million dogs
Even though dogs are the most popular choice for a household pet, cats are still the most common pet in the U.S., with the total population hovering right around 74.1 million, compared to 70 million dogs. So while more households own a dog, cat owners are more likely to own multiple cats – 2.1 per household – compared to dog owners, who average 1.6 dogs per household.

Pet ownership on the decline
There are fewer pet cats and dogs in the U.S. Recession, allergies, or changing times – the pet population is decreasing. In the past five years, pet ownership has taken a slight dip of 2.4 percent according to the latest AVMA survey. Dog ownership is down about 2 percent and cat ownership 6 percent.

The dogtor will see you now
The study also revealed dogs visit the vet more often than cats. Dog owners were more dedicated to providing veterinary care, with 130.4 million veterinary visits for dogs, a 9.2 percent increase from 2006 while veterinary visits for cats dropped 4.4 percent to about 60.5 million visits.

Dog owners spent a whopping $19.1 billion in 2011 on veterinary care for their pets, up 18.6 percent from 2006. In the meantime, veterinary expenditures for cats remained comparatively flat, rising only 4.2 percent to $7.4 billion.

The overall picture presents cats as the independent creatures that they are – rarely showing any signs of illness. If your cat is a healthy indoor cat, there’s not a lot of incentive to bring it to the vet. For many pet owners on a budget, it’s a common sense policy: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. However, if your cat is an outdoor cat, an annual visit to the vet for vaccinations and flea medication is definitely in order.

Dogs, on the other hand, are not shy about their aches and pains – whether it’s a limp, a nose full of porcupine quills, or a hot spot they keep worrying at – all are cause for a visit to a vet.

The surprising fact of this survey is that so few households have pets. Based on the wonderful rewards of having a pet, we pet owners like to think that most people love pets, but in reality only about 4 out of 10 households have a pet dog, and only 3 out of 10 households have a cat – or two. And there you have it: cat people rule by the numbers, while top dogs win the popularity contest. 

Photo credit :

Pets Files

Increasing popularity of dog treadmills

We dress them up for Halloween, we buy them birthday and Christmas presents and take a million photos of them, today’s pets have become fur babies or ‘fur kids’ for many of us. We even bring them to the gym for dog yoga or ‘doga,’ so why not teach them how to use a treadmill or buy them one of their own?

Some 3 million dogs were using treadmills in 2010, according to a survey of pet owners by the American Pet Products Association, reports The association collected data about treadmills for the first time in its 2011/2012 survey because the machines were selling so briskly.

According to author and trainer Kathy Diamond Davis, “Exercise can improve bone and joint health. Heart and lung function can improve. A dog whose exercise needs are met may rest more calmly at home and be less fretful when left alone.”

Just like human exercise, moderation is the key. “As in most other things, moderation works admirably for dogs when it comes to exercise…Exercise that is healthy for both mind and body is the very best kind of exercise,” noted Davis.

With a sedentary and aging society, the dog treadmill may be an idea whose time has come. If you already have a human treadmill, you might want to check out this helpful and hilarious training video – set to the theme from Rocky – which walks you through the steps of how to train your dog to make friends with your treadmill.

You’ll also get a laugh at two Corgis on a treadmill – but, hey, at least it’s exercise. Even cats are getting in on the act! Check out these two cats starring in a funny YouTube video that’s had more than three million views and counting.

Like human treadmills, doggie-sized ones don’t come cheap. A few companies produce treadmills specifically for dogs. offers treadmills priced from $599 to $1,499, and has four treadmill sizes priced from $1,195 to $2,995. The DogPacer is also popular as a folding one-size-fits-all dog treadmill priced at $499.

If you’re a lazy dog owner, you might want to check out this top 10 list of dogs that need the least amount of exercise. Although, take it with a grain of salt, for many dogs a walk outside is also about enjoying a change of scene, socializing with other dogs and people, and spending quality time with their human guardian.

The next time you’re down for the count with a cold, recovering from knee surgery, or unwilling to face the elements, you’ll be glad you trained Rover (and maybe even Kitty!) to enjoy a “W-A-L-K” on the treadmill. Who knows, it might just become your dog’s other best friend.

Pets Files

Pet vs. skunk: How to clear the air

Even if you think your pet is unlikely to run into a striped adversary, it’s a good idea to be prepared, because when it comes to getting rid of the stench, time really is of the essence. While dogs tend to have the biggest incidence rate, an overly territorial cat may be at risk of getting sprayed as well.

Make sure odor is your biggest problem
When your pet is hit with skunk spray, the smell can be so overpowering that it’s hard to think about anything else. But the first thing you need to do is to make sure your animal isn’t in need of veterinary care.

Skunks are known to carry rabies, and if your pet has gotten close enough to be sprayed, it may also have been bitten or scratched. So hold your breath and give your pet a close examination to make sure there are no signs of wounds.

The American Animal Hospital Association also recommends checking whether your pet has been sprayed in the face, which is, unfortunately, where dogs often tend to get hit. If your pet has taken the spray head on, rinse the eyes, nose and mouth with clean water. If, after rinsing, your pet’s eyes still seem irritated and red, you should seek veterinary attention to make sure the spray hasn’t done any damage.

Getting rid of the stench
Now that you’ve examined your dog and made sure the stench is really your only problem, it’s time to break out the tomato juice, right? Well, not quite. MythBusters actually found tomato to be less than ideal, since the skunky smell still remained beneath the more acidic one; likewise, commercial skunk remover was a less-than-perfect remedy, however both still fared better than beer or commercial sprays.

One of the most effective remedies was discovered by chemist Paul Krebaum in the early 1990s. Combine one quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, one-quarter cup of baking soda, and one-to-two teaspoons of liquid soap. If you have a large dog, you may need to add one quart of tepid water to create enough solution. Mix these items together in a plastic bowl or bucket and then use promptly, applying them directly to the affected areas of the pet, being especially careful to avoid the eyes. Let the solution sit on the fur for about five minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. Never store or mix these ingredients in a closed container like a spray bottle, because the rapid oxidization can cause the container to explode. Also be warned that the peroxide may cause slight bleaching in animals with dark fur.

A few lingering words of advice
Skunk spray is actually a potent-smelling oil that clings to almost any surface with which it comes into contact, making it very easy to spread. If your pet has been sprayed, it’s best to keep him outside if possible until the smell has been thoroughly washed out. You’ll also want to wear old clothes and rubber gloves during the bathing process.

Skunks are largely nocturnal, so you can minimize the risk by keeping your animals inside after dark. If your pet absolutely must go outside after the sun has gone down, it’s a good idea to go with them or even take them on a leash, especially if you know your area is prone to skunks. If your pup is unfortunate enough to get hit, remember to keep calm, act quickly, and make sure your pet is safe and healthy before worrying about the smell.