
Contaminated Infant Formula in China

China is once again facing a health scandal following the deaths of two infants and 600 other children falling sick after consuming contaminated formula, reports

The powdered formula is a product of the Sanlu company and has been pulled from the shelves of Chinese stores.

Two babies died on Thursday (September 11) in the rural province of Gansu, and since then, reports of illnesses have quadrupled.  Six other provinces in Northern China have also been affected.

The Sanlu company makes and distributes powdered formula completely within China.  It is not exported, and is a popular brand with the Chinese people because it is inexpensive.


Infant Obesity Soars in China

According to a national study on infant obesity conducted by the Chinese National Task Force on Childhood Obesity, which was presented at the annual World Health Organization (WHO) meeting, children in China have been gaining more and more weight over the past 30 years. The increase of childhood obesity has reached 156%.

In fact, 20% of Chinese children living in urban areas are overweight, and 7% of them are obese.

According to the principal author, Dr. Ding Zongyi, who conducted the study on 80 000 children, the childhood obesity phenomenon in China is out of control. The United States is the only country that has a higher childhood obesity rate.

The Westernization of lifestyle and lack of exercise may be contributing factors to the weight gain among children in China.