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Kevin Costner has a new roommate – his ex-wife!

Kevin Costner and his ex-wife Christine Baumgartner divorced last May. The parents of three had been married since 2004.

According to Page Six, Baumgartner recently moved into a small house for employees on Costner’s estate in Santa Barbara, California.

Although she was due to leave the family home by July 31, this solution is temporary, as she is currently looking for a new property.

Christine desires to stay in the neighbourhood where she lives with her ex-husband so that her children can continue to go to the same school and see their friends.

The mother focuses a lot on her children and their well-being and wants to keep things as normal as possible for them despite everything.

In early July, a judge ruled that Costner would have to pay his ex-wife $129,755/month in alimony, covering $200,000 in legal fees and $100,000 in forensic costs.

The two parents will also have to pay half the costs for the three children’s health, sports and other activities.

Following the verdict, Kevin Costner demanded that his ex-wife leave his house, which the judge approved.

A divorce story that will undoubtedly be talked about for a long time to come!