Mobile Syrup

Oxio warns of internet slowdowns for Ontario customers due to July 8 Rogers outage

Independent internet service provider (ISP) Oxio reached out to its Ontario customers via email Saturday to warn of potential slowdowns during peak hours (between 8pm and 10pm). Moreover, it requested customers try to not perform speed tests as it will “clog up the lines” and cause more slowdowns.

You can read a longer explanation below if you’re interested in the details of the internet in Canada, but the short version of what’s going on is Oxio needed a capacity increase from Rogers because of its growing customer base. Oxio requested that increase, but didn’t get it because of the July 8th outage, and is now stuck waiting for Rogers to resume performing network changes to get the increase it needs.

Oxio emailed customers to explain what was going on because it “promised to be up front” about everything. The main takeaways from the email include that Oxio is working on the problem with Rogers and the Competitive Network Operators of Canada (CNOC) since other ISPs might be affected. Another takeaway is that Ontario customers (disclosure, I am one) might experience slowdowns because of this.

Rogers halted network changes, pushing back Oxio’s capacity increase

A segment of the Oxio email explaining what’s going on with Rogers.

Oxio says that its growing customer base requires an increase in capacity in Ontario, and since Oxio runs on Rogers in the province, it needs to purchase capacity from Rogers. However, issues related to the July 8th Rogers outage — called ‘Red Friday’ by some — resulted in Oxio not getting the capacity increase that it needed.

In the email, Oxio explained that it submitted a request to Rogers to increase capacity on June 22nd, and the change was supposed to go into effect on July 7th. Oxio said Rogers didn’t increase capacity when it was supposed to (apparently, “this is pretty normal” with Rogers). However, unlike previous capacity increases, Oxio says Rogers implemented a “company-wide change embargo” after Red Friday.

Again, Oxio says this is pretty normal after an outage since network changes are responsible for most problems. Rogers has already detailed how its maintenance update caused a cascading problem through its core network that ultimately took out wireline, wireless, and several other services nationwide.

The embargo was set to end on July 18th. However, Rogers extended it several times, leaving Oxio with no scheduled date for the capacity increase:

“Since then, Rogers has extended their change embargo twice. The first time until July 25, 2022 and, recently, again for an indeterminate period, which means there’s no scheduled date to complete our request for additional capacity.”

Oxio says it’s not “too worried” about the embargo since it hasn’t hit maximum capacity yet. However, the company says its “rapid growth, means [it is] quickly running out of bandwidth,” which could lead to slowdowns at peak times.

Thankfully, it’s not all bad news. Oxio also told customers it hopes “to have all of this sorted before you notice anything.” The company says it’s talking with “the right people at Rogers” and has reached out to the CNOC because it likely isn’t the only other independent ISP impacted by the Rogers embargo.

Ultimately, if you’re with Oxio or another ISP that runs on Rogers’ network, you may want to keep an eye out for potential slowdowns and avoid doing speed tests until this all gets sorted out.

Mobile Syrup

ISPs call for CRTC chair Ian Scott to be recused amid ongoing questions about personal bias

The Competitive Network Operators of Canada (CNOC) filed an application with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) asking chairperson Ian Scott to either remove himself or be removed from matters relating to ongoing decisions around internet competition.

The matter is in connection with the CRTC reversing a 2019 decision that internet rates were too high and had to be lowered after telecom companies filed appeals. The CRTC reversed its decision on May 27th, 2021.

Small internet service providers (ISPs) pay larger companies like Bell, Rogers, and Telus to access their network and distribute it to their own markets.

ISP TekSavvy filed a petition with the Federal Courts of Appeal in response. The case will be heard in the coming months.

TekSavvy and CNOC have pointed out Scott’s conduct and the fear of bias playing a role in his decisions.

The recent CNOC application points to an article from the Toronto Star. It details how the reversal of the decision came before Scott met with Bell Media CEO Mirko Bibic at an Ottawa pub in December 2019.

Scott spoke with The Star on the controversy for the first time in the article published February 2nd, more than two years after the meeting happened, stating “nothing inappropriate was done.”

“I went for a beer with someone I have known for years….And it ended up he chose to address a broadcasting issue a little of what Bell might be doing in the future,” he told the publication.

All matters were recorded publicly, Scott said. Speaking on the CRTC’s reversal, he said he was only one vote on a panel of nine, and he has no additional sway as chair.

“The apprehension of bias and breach of procedural fairness persists, to the point where, …Chairperson Scott felt the need to defend himself against these allegations in seeking an exclusive interview with The Toronto Star,” the CNOC application states.

The application states Scott also made public statements for his preference of “facilities-based competition” at the Canadian Club Toronto on May 20th, 2021.

For these reasons, the CNOC is asking for the recusal of Scott from internet-based decisions pending TekSavvy’s appeal.

Image source: CRTC (screenshot)

Source: CNOC application