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BlackBerry neutralizes its carbon footprint

Canadian technology company BlackBerry says it achieved carbon neutrality.

This means the company has taken steps to remove as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it releases.

The company has used the standards put out by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, a group that established frameworks to manage greenhouse gas emissions, including in the corporate world, as its basis.

BlackBerry has achieved this by taking a number of steps, including shifting workloads to cloud-based solutions and partnering with school boards across the country to enact energy efficiency measures.

The company has also reduced emissions by 88 percent since 2013 across its facilities by managing how much energy is consumed, examining business-related travel, and waste management.

“Businesses are key to building a more sustainable and equitable today and tomorrow,” Neelam Sandhu, the company’s senior vice president, said in a statement. “BlackBerry is proud to have achieved carbon neutrality, invest in carbon removal, and partner with customers to reduce their carbon footprints through our cloud-based solutions.”

Image credit: ShutterStock

Source: BlackBerry