Cottage Life

What you need to know about Haliburton County’s shoreline preservation bylaw

Haliburton County is introducing a new bylaw to maintain healthy shorelines in the area. The county council passed the bylaw, known as the shoreline preservation bylaw, during a meeting on the morning of August 24.

The bylaw creates a 20-metre horizontal buffer zone along the shorelines of all lakes, rivers, and wetlands in Haliburton County. Under the bylaw, property owners will be required to obtain a site alteration permit from the county if they want to complete any major landscaping or building projects within that buffer zone. This includes altering the topography of the shoreline by more than a metre in height, rebuilding any structures over a metre tall (such as a retaining wall), or removing more than 25 per cent of native vegetation and trees from the shoreline.

Director of planning Steve Stone did clarify during the meeting that minor landscaping activities, such as creating a flower bed, removing less than a metre of topsoil, rebuilding a retaining wall shorter than a metre in height, and constructing a driveway or path less than five metres in width through the buffer zone, won’t require a permit.

Stone also explained that if a property owner wanted to build a structure that infringed on the buffer zone, such as an addition to the cottage or a deck, they would have to apply for a building permit. If the building permit were approved, it would override the shoreline preservation bylaw.

The goal of the bylaw is to act as a preventative measure; preserving the quality of water within the community. While all stakeholders agree that lake health is a priority, this bylaw has been batted around since 2017, receiving its share of community backlash.

During a July 29, 2021, virtual open house organized by Hutchinson Environmental Sciences Ltd. and J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd.—consultants hired by Haliburton County to conduct an independent review of the bylaw document—a number of citizens voiced concerns.

“Some lakefront property owners feel threatened by this bylaw,” said Bill Missen, a director with the Maple, Beech, and Cameron Lakes Area Property Owners’ Association, during the open house. “Owners are feeling they’re totally losing control of their property.”

Missen added that the expansion of the shoreline buffer zone, which was previously three metres, limits what an owner can do on their property. He also questioned how the county planned to police the bylaw, especially when it has nearly 1,000 bodies of water.

Dave Love, a cottager on Haliburton Lake, questioned the need for new legislation. “From what I have learned, the main objective here is to achieve shorelines classified as 75 per cent naturalized or regenerated, and by doing so that will help maintain high water quality, prevent algae blooms, and prevent the risk of eroding shorelines and flooding,” Love said. “Proposing this bylaw…suggests to me that Haliburton’s lakes and shorelines are in such a state of deterioration as to require urgent government attention to save them from serious harm. I have searched for evidence of [this], but have been unable to find any.”

Love cited a 2019 lake health report from the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Associations that stated 60 of Haliburton’s largest lakes had nearly achieved 75 per cent naturalized shorelines already.

The consultants and county staff took this feedback into consideration when drafting the most recent version of the bylaw. Yet, council members still had questions during the August 24 council meeting. Coun. Cecil Ryall pointed out that the differentiation between projects that required a permit and projects that didn’t require a permit remained unclear in the current bylaw draft.

In response, Stone suggested that if a property owner is concerned about violating the bylaw, they should call the planning department before they start digging. Stone also said that the department plans to create a website devoted to the shoreline preservation bylaw, which will include more concrete examples of what does and doesn’t require a permit, photo examples of healthy shorelines, the types of materials you should be using for projects in that buffer zone, and education material on appropriate types of trees and vegetation you can plant along your shoreline.

The bylaw is scheduled to take effect on April 1, 2023. Any projects started before that date won’t require a permit. After April 1, the fee for a site alteration permit will cost $100, and it will be up to county staff to approve the application. Stone said that to avoid tying up contractors and hindering work, staff will aim to approve site alteration permits within two weeks of being submitted.

To police the bylaw, Haliburton County plans to hire three new compliance monitoring and enforcement officers devoted to the area’s shorelines. The county estimates that it will cost around $200,000 a year to sustain the bylaw.

Minor infractions of the bylaw will cost culprits $930. A major infraction, however, could result in a court appearance with fines ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 depending on the amount of damage to the shoreline. Plus, the property owner will likely have to pay to replant the trees and vegetation taken down.

“The permit system,” Stone said, “is just an element of the greater thing that the council wants to achieve, which is healthy shorelines.”

Cottage Life

What you need to know about Sarnia’s short-term rental regulations

An appeal against a short-term rental bylaw in Sarnia, Ont., has been dropped due to an inability to find expert witnesses without a conflict of interest, which means new rules are now in place for renters in the largest city on Lake Huron. The short-term rental bylaws were passed by Sarnia’s council back in 2020 but were prevented from coming into effect until last week due to the ongoing appeal. 

Sean Ryan, the man behind the appeal, says he thinks the city should take action to regulate short-term rentals, but he disagrees with the limitations on residentially-zoned rentals. “It’s not the regulations we’re against,” he says “It’s just the one component of it.”

Ryan’s particular issue is with the ban on short-term rentals in residential areas. He argues Sarnia should at least allow rentals in urban residential 2 zones—areas that are already densely populated and used for residential and commercial purposes. “Why not just allow them in those areas? It’s good for tourism and it’s a high-density housing area already, so it’s not going to affect neighbourhoods,” he says.

According to the Steve Henschel, Sarnia’s manger of communications, the residential zoning regulations are in place to protect housing in the city. “Allowing STAs in residential areas with a primary residence requirement protects long-term housing in the city, ensuring residential properties are utilized as homes first.”

Now, Ryan is looking for other ways to make a second appeal against the city’s short-term rental regulations. 

Sarnia implemented a system to grandfather short-term renters operating in residential areas before January 1, 2020. Property owners were supposed to submit an application prior to the July 1, 2020 deadline, but the city received no applications. To date, only 15 of an estimated 70 renters are licenced with the city. “As we move forward with the new bylaw the city will utilize an education-based approach to encourage voluntary compliance, before using other bylaw enforcement mechanisms,” said the Henschel.

What are Sarnia’s short-term rental regulations?

Like many other municipalities, Sarnia implemented a short-term accommodation licencing system as a way to regulate STAs. The city also implemented occupancy limits, building and safety standards, and most notably, restrictions on the operation of short-term rentals in residential areas.

Here are some highlights from the new regulations:

  • Renters must obtain a valid licence granted by the city. The fee for a licence and a licence renewal is $273.65 and applications must be submitted to the city along with building and parking plans. To be approved, licensees must also possess a minimum of $2 million in liability insurance and must complete a fire inspection.
  • Occupancy limits. Rental units can have a maximum of three bedrooms available for rent and each bedroom can sleep up to a maximum of four people.
  • Minimum rental room size of 14 square metres. 
  • Adherence to a submitted parking plan. Property owners must submit a parking plan to the city along with their licence application and ensure that it is followed by patrons.
  • If operating in a residential area, the rental unit must be the owner’s primary residence. Essentially, this limits short-term rentals in residential areas to bed and breakfast style accommodations where the owner lives in the property at the same time as their patrons.
  • Offenders of the bylaw can face fines of $25,000 dollars on a first offence, and fines of $50,000 of subsequent offences.
  • Short-term renters are also subject to the city’s four per cent municipal accommodation tax. The city says this tax will be used to “fund programs and services that visitors take advantage of when visiting (e.g. roads, transit, culture, parks, natural areas and recreation).”

Short-term accommodation applications can be submitted through the city’s website