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Google walks back Play Store Data Safety change

Google churned up some ire last week when it rolled out a new ‘Data Safety’ section that replaced the permissions list on the Play Store. The change meant users could no longer check the permissions an app needed before installing it.

In a tweet from the Android Developers account, Google acknowledged the “feedback” it received and “decided to reinstate [the permissions section].”

Going forward, permissions and Data Safety will live side-by-side on the Play Store in a best-of-both-worlds solution. The Data Safety section was intended as an evolution of the old permissions list, offering expanded information about why developers need certain data.

For example, the old permissions list would simply say whether an app would request a permission — for example, location access — but not why. Data Safety, on the other hand, requires developers to add explanations for the data shared and collected by an app, and the purpose of sharing or collecting that data. Moreover, the section can include information about whether the app encrypts data, and if users have the ability to request that developers delete said data.

Both sections feature helpful information. Although some information overlaps, neither section is a replacement for the other. Maintaining both is ideal. Now Google just needs to figure out a way to enforce adding correct, useful information to the Data Safety section.

Currently, that falls on developers to do — many either haven’t added information or added barebones details with basic explanations like “data is collected for app functionality.” Unfortunately, that’s not particularly helpful for anyone involved.

Google says the permissions section will return to the Play Store “shortly.”

Source: Android Developers (Twitter) Via: Android Police

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Google Play Store swaps permissions with new Data Safety section

Back in April, Google started rolling out a new ‘Data Safety’ section to app listings on the Play Store. Similar to Apple’s app privacy labels, Google’s Data Safety offers information on what data apps collect, why it collects that data, and more.

Now that the feature is more widely rolled out, some have noticed it replaces the Play Store’s permissions list. As spotted by Esper’s senior technical editor Mishaal Rahman (via Android Police), Data Safety has taken over the permissions spot on app listings.

On the one hand, this change isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The new Data Safety details do include information about the permissions an app needs, and it’s arguably more helpful than before since it shows, for example, that an app needs location data and why it needs location data. However, the permissions info is a tap away from where it used to be.

From left to right: App with no Data Safety info, App with Data Safety info, Expanded Data Safety info page.

The bigger issue is that the deadline for providing this information is July 20th. That means several apps don’t list any information in the Data Safety section, making it pretty useless at the moment. Meta apps like Facebook, Amazon apps, Twitter, Disney+, Discord, and more don’t list any Data Safety. Interestingly, Android Police notes the DuckDuckGo browser doesn’t include any Data Safety information yet. One app I found that did include information in the Data Safety section was TikTok. Imagine that!

Another frustration: what’s listed in the Data Safety section is up to app developers. Rahman points to Telegram as an example of how this could not work in users’ favour — Telegram effectively provides a list of all the permissions and says it needs access to them for “app functionality.” Cool. Android Police points to the Google Go app as the opposite extreme, listing so much information in the Data Safety section that it’s overwhelming for users.

All this is to say, why roll out Data Safety in this incomplete state? The old system would have worked fine until July 20th. All the same, developers will (hopefully) update the Data Safety information by then anyway. However, it’s not clear what — if any — enforcement Google will apply to non-compliant devs. We could end up with a similar situation to the App Store where some developers add misleading info or just don’t add info at all (ahem, Google).

Rahman does note that those who want to see permissions before downloading can still find them in other places. For example, open-source Play Store client Aurora Store still lists app permissions, which indicates Google still stores permission data even if it’s not visible on the Store itself.

Source: Mishaal Rahman, Android Police