Mobile Syrup

Telus increasing Easy Roam cost starting March 8th

Last month, MobileSyrup detailed a price increase coming to Bell’s roaming service. Now Telus plans to increase the cost of its similar Easy Roam service.

As first spotted by iPhone in Canada, a notice on Telus’ website warns that starting on March 8th, 2023, Easy Roam will increase from $12 to $14/day for U.S. roaming and from $15 to $16/day for international roaming.

Though it may not seem like much, the price increase adds up really quickly. Currently, Telus caps U.S. fees at $240 per billing cycle, and international fees at $300 per billing cycle, or about 20 days of Easy Roam use. It’s not clear if Telus will stick with the current caps or increase them to match 20 days of usage with the new prices (that would be about $280 for U.S. Easy Roam and $320 for international Easy Roam).

Telus Easy Roam price increase notice.

It’s also unclear if Telus’ flanker brand, Koodo, will increase roaming prices. Koodo also offers the Easy Roam program, which currently costs the same as the pre-increase Telus price. However, at the time of writing, there wasn’t an increase notice on the Koodo website. MobileSyrup reached out to Koodo for clarification but did not receive a response in time for publication.

When Bell increased the cost of its roaming package, it also increased the price for its flanker brand, Virgin Plus. Bell’s roaming increase comes into effect on March 9th and will cost $13/day for U.S. roaming and $16/day for international roaming.

Finally, iPhone in Canada noted that Telus changed Easy Roam’s activation from being valid for 24 hours to being “valid until 11:59pm in the time zone you are travelling.” This makes Easy Roam worse value than before.

It’s worth noting that Telus, like other carriers, has steadily increased the price of Easy Roam over the last few years. When U.S. and international roaming first launched (in 2015 and 2016, respectively), it cost $7/day for U.S. roaming and $10/day for international roaming.

Now that Telus and Bell will increase roaming costs in March, Rogers is the last of the Big Three to have not made a similar announcement. It remains to be seen if it will follow suit or keep roaming prices the same.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Source: Telus Via: iPhone in Canada