Entertainment Gossip

Machine Gun Kelly stirs up controversy with questionable move

Machine Gun Kelly may have taken the concept of his (Tommy Lee) costume a little too far, allowing himself to do aline on his girlfriend’s chest, Megan Fox. Fox was dressed as Pamela Anderson , who was in a relationship with Tommy Lee in the early 2000s.

“Happy Halloween virgins” he said on Instagram.

It is impossible to say 100% if the cocaine was fake or real, but we have to admit that many fans did not like the video, and Machine Gun Kelly is now at the center of a controversy.

Here are the comments of two fans of the singer, who seemed a bit lost in the past few months:

“OK, but this? Damn, your music may be good, but the drugs? Not so much!”

“I can’t keep defending you wtf! 😭”

Do you think Machine Gun Kelly went too far in his Tommy Lee impersonation?

Cottage Life

Cottage Q&A: Is a fox stealing our flip-flops?

This summer, a fox had been coming unusually close to our cottage (and we had been shooing him away). We leave our flip-flops on our deck. One morning, we found many of the flip-flops gone. They were scattered all around the property, and some went missing entirely. Is it possible that the fox was the perpetrator?—Andy Cloutier, McKay Lake, Ont.

Yes. And actually, Occam’s Razor says “probably.” Sure, one of your neighbours could have been messing with you, but “foxes have a reputation for stealing shoes,” says wildlife expert Kim Cabrera of the International Society of Professional Trackers. (Last summer, a fox in Berlin was found with more than 100 shoes in its den. Mostly Crocs. Since foxes can neither apply for credit cards nor shop online, we assume the entire stash was stolen.)

Why snatch footwear? There are theories. “They seem to take items with an odour,” says Fiona Reid, the author of the Peterson Field Guide to Mammals of North America, who’s witnessed a fox scampering away with a stinky pillowcase. 

12 fantastic facts about foxes

Meet the red fox

They could also like playing with shoes—that would explain why your flip-flops were scattered around the property. And shoes make for good teaching tools; adult foxes may take them back to their dens for their offspring. Look, Fox Junior! This is how you kill a bunny rabbit! “I’d expect that more with leather shoes than Crocs, but I guess anything that can be tossed in the air and chewed could work,” says Reid.

Since you never caught the thief in the act, we can’t be certain that your loitering fox was to blame. Still. Don’t leave any Air Jordans on the deck next summer.

This article was originally published in the Winter 2021 issue of Cottage Life magazine.

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Cottage Life

Wild Profile: Meet the Arctic fox

There is no fox better equipped to handle chilly weather than the Arctic fox—a.k.a. the white fox. Canada’s smallest canid may weigh as little as 3 lbs, but it’s hardy enough to withstand temperatures as low as -50°C. It’s literally built for the cold, with a heavy white coat in the winter, a compact body, and a bushy tail that makes up about 30 per cent of its total body length. The Arctic fox uses that tail like a shawl to wrap around itself when sleeping.

In Canada, the Arctic fox’s range stretches from the northern tip of Ellesmere Island to the southern tip of James Bay. A carnivore, it survives mostly on a diet of lemmings. Foxes with whelps to feed will hunt up to 15 times per night—usually between 4 p.m. and mid-morning the next day. In open areas of tundra, adults catch their prey by chasing and pouncing. But an Arctic fox is smart enough to know how to locate an underground lemming nest, and will dig through the snow to get at it.

What do the foxes do when there are no lemmings?

Since an Arctic fox is so dependent on its lemming food source, the species’ numbers fluctuate with the lemming population. And the lemming population is known to “crash” and then peak. In a crash year, foxes will leave their usual hunting territories and wander for hundreds of kilometres, nomad-like, searching for food. This makes them vulnerable to fatigue and extreme cold—no den to hunker down inside—not to mention, starvation. Consequently, when lemming numbers are low, so are Arctic fox numbers.

White foxes are sometimes blue

The Arctic fox only keeps its snowy-white coat for the winter (just like the snowshoe hare). By May, it begins to shed its heavy fur in place of a thinner, two-tone brown outfit. Some Arctic foxes have a blue-toned coat in the winter; they shed that for a blue-grey coat in the summer. “Blue” foxes appear in almost every Arctic fox population. In Canada, they make up about five per cent of the population; in Greenland, meanwhile, about 50 per cent of white foxes are blue foxes. So…the foxes in Greenland are blue? Huh. Ironic.


Michael J Fox surprised by Robin Williams’ diagnosis

Michael J. Fox was ”stunned” to learn Robin Williams had Parkinson’s Disease.

The ‘Back to the Future’ star – who was diagnosed with the condition in 1991 – hailed the late actor as a ”true friend” and recalled all the work he did to raise money for his foundation, which raised money and awareness of Parkinson’s, in a Twitter tribute.

Michael wrote: ”Stunned to learn Robin had PD. Pretty sure his support for our Fdn predated his diagnosis. A true friend; I wish him peace.”

Robin’s wife, Susan Schneider, revealed yesterday (08.14.14) that the ‘Hook’ star was in the early stages of the disease when he took his own life.

Meanwhile, comedian Jeff Kilstein, 32, has spoken of how Robin – who battled alcohol addiction but got sober in 1982, relapsing briefly 20 years later – would help him whenever he was ”struggling”

He told Us Weekly magazine: ”Every time I struggled with addiction myself, or depression, or thought about quitting he would chat with me on the phone.

”I’d be sitting in my office and Robin Williams, in the softest voice, would just be helping me through it all. He would help me out of my darkest moments.”

And Jeff revealed his friend – who was found hanged on Monday (11.08.14) following a long battle with depression – even paid his wages at one point when his radio show was struggling.

He recalled: ”My radio show Citizen Radio had a moment where we almost had to stop because we were getting kicked out of our space.

”Robin heard about it through our mutual friends and called me, just saying, ‘What do you need?’ He made up the difference in my salary while we were struggling. Our inside joke was that we didn’t have sponsors but we were brought by ‘Robin Williams.’ ”


Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson for American Idol panel?

Former ‘American Idol’ contestants Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson are set to return to the show as judges.

Kelly – who won the first season in 2002 – and Jennifer – who placed seventh in 2004 – have been approached by producers to join the panel of the new series after they decided to replace Mariah Carey, Nicki Minajand Keith Urban.

Veteran judge Randy Jackson recently quit the show and bosses want to return to a three person format, with Clay Aiken and Adam Lambert among those who have been approached to take the final spot.

A Fox source told E! News: "Nothing is final yet, it’s 95 per cent there. The alum panel will be Fox’s attempt to reignite ratings by bringing back ‘Idol’ faces that the fans care about. It’s ‘Idol’ stars guiding the next generation"

The decision to return to a three judge format for the first time in five years was reportedly made in a bid to combat the Fox show’s declining ratings as it enters its 13th season.

Kevin Reilly, Fox’s entertainment chairman, said: "The format will have fresh twists for next season."

Kevin went on to hint the expanded middle rounds were likely to be revamped since he believes they are responsible for dwindling viewing figures.