
What Are Empty Calories?

Empty calories can describe foods that are high in calories, yet offer little, if any, nutritional value.

Such foods can be addictive, and include soft drinks, deep-fried foods and candy.  These foods may feed our hunger, but almost never feed our bodies the nutrients required to stay healthy.

Today, several companies are introducing snacks in 100-calorie packages.  However, if these snacks offer your body little nutrition, you should probably leave them on the shelf.  Instead, try snacking on fruits, vegetables or yogurt.  Fruit juices can also be an alternative to soda, as they have vitamins, but you must be aware of added sugars.


Another Advantage for a Mediterranean Diet

Dr. Francesco Sofi and his team at the University of Florence studied a group of people who lived exclusively on a Mediterranean diet, and found that they were less likely to suffer from a degenerative disease, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimers.

Dr. Sofi and his team of researchers studied the eating habits of more than 1.5 million participants.  They observed that the mortality rate for cardiovascular disease dropped 9% for those people who strictly adhered to the Mediterranean diet.  The risks for Parkinson’s and Alzheimers also were reduced drastically.

Comprised of mainly olive oil, fish, red wine, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables, the Mediterranean diet has already been shown to reduce cardiovascular problems.



The Implications of a Food Crisis

According to La Presse, the food crisis, which has hit thirty or so countries, will result in consequences for North Americans as well.

For example, the price of conserved vegetables could be increasing by 10 to 20%, according to the president and CEO of the Council of Food Processing and Consumer Products, Mr. Jacques Légaré.

He stated that it is really a catastrophe by the way prices of wheat, barley, soybeans, and corn have soared in the past year.

Specialists are saying that it is just the beginning of the crisis, since the ever-increasing oil prices could justify a price hike for certain foods.