Mobile Syrup

ChatGPT Google Sheets plugin can boost your efficiency

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has become the talk of the town in the AI community, with the recent release of version 4.0 and its new capabilities.

While ChatGPT’s primary function is to make conversations, some versions of the system offer APIs that allow developers to take advantage of the platform’s intelligence for their own projects. That is exactly what Redditor u/rtwalz has done.

u/rtwalz was able to create a new Google Sheets extension that simplifies the process of creating formulas and automating repetitive tasks. Once you install the extension to your account, you’ll be able to input three new functions to Google Sheets, namely “=AI(),” “=INFER(), and “=WRITE().”

For example, in the beginning of the video embedded above, u/rtwalz was able to ask the extension to determine the the names of contacts based on their email addresses with the “=AI()” function.

Similarly, “=WRITE()” allows users to generate text based on descriptions, like creating summaries for a larger piece of text, while “=INFER()” allows the AI to recognize a pattern you’ve created in Sheets and complete it for you.

The extension also offers a sidebar that allows users to generate formulas by describing what they want to achieve. In addition, users can ask the extension to explain formulas, which is useful when they’re unsure of what others have created in a shared spreadsheet.

When you install the extension, you’ll get 30 ChatGPT tokens for free, after which, you’ll have to pay a $10 monthly fee to continue using the service. You can download the extension from the Google Workspace Marketplace.

Folks at AndroidPolice were able to put the tool through its paces and found that it works as intended, making it easy to simplify and organize information on Sheets that would take a normal human a lot of time. Find its results here.

Image credit: Redditor u/rtwalz

Source: Redditor u/rtwalz, Via: AndroidPolice