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Microsoft Bing search passes 100 million daily active users

Microsoft says that its Bing search engine has passed 100 million daily active users following the release of Bing Chat.

In a blog post, Microsoft detailed the new number and noted that it includes a “million plus new Bing preview users.”

It’s worth noting that Microsoft hasn’t revealed daily active user counts for Bing before the release of Bing Chat, so it’s hard to saw how much of an improvement the company has seen. If I had to guess, I’d say probably a significant amount given how much attention Bing Chat received from the media over the last few weeks.

Beyond the daily active user number, Microsoft also revealed that about one-third of the daily Bing preview users also use Chat daily, with the company seeing roughly three chats per session and over 45 million total chats since the preview started.

While 100 million daily active users may sound like a lot, it’s worth putting the number in perspective. Google, the current king of search, pulls over 1 billion daily active users.

But for Microsoft, any ground gained against Google is worth it. Last month, Microsoft’s CVP of finance, Philippe Ockenden, said on a call with analysts that for “every 1 point of share gain in the search advertising market, it’s a $2 billion revenue opportunity for our advertising business.”

It’s also worth noting that Bing Chat isn’t the only thing driving users to Bing search. As pointed out in the blog post, Microsoft’s Edge browser is also growing, and Edge pushes Bing as the default search engine. Moreover, Microsoft pushes Edge and Bing very aggressively on Windows, often to the frustration of users. But it appears the aggressive push is working out for Microsoft, so expect it’ll continue.

Source: Microsoft Via: The Verge