Nouvelles quotidiennes

U.K. earns 14 new Michelin stars

The 2011 Michelin Guide for Britain and Ireland has been released, awarding 14 new Michelin stars to U.K. restaurants and removing 11 others in this 100th anniversary special edition.

"There is no doubt that 2010 was a difficult year but those hotels and restaurants that represented value for money, at whatever price, were the ones who were best placed to weather the storm," said Rebecca Burr, the guide’s Editor-in-Chief.

The Connaught in London and the Rock in Cornwall both joined the ranks with two-star ratings. The Pony & Trap in the small English village of Chew Magna, managed to get one star, showing that even pub grub can be tasty.

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, of TV’s Hell’s Kitchen, managed to hold on to his London restaurant’s three-star rating, along with Heston Blumenthal’s Fat Duck and Alain Roux’s Waterside Inn, both in Berkshire.

Nine of the eleven deletions come from England, including two restaurants that had closed. The Scottish Highlands and Belfast, Ireland both saw one deletion each.

The first Michelin Guide to Britain and Ireland was printed in 1911 as an instructional book for motorists. The current version of the guide has been updated and published every year since 1974.

Nouvelles quotidiennes

Lonely Planet Ready for the Olympics




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If you are feeling your Canadian pride beating and are anxious to go and encourage our athletes during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, you should know that Lonely Planet, the recognized editor of universal guides, has just published a special guide of the city of Vancouver and its surrounding areas. 

Written for the expected tourists that will attend the games, the guide includes a map showing where all the different competitions will be held.  It also contains all the news for travelers who wish to return to the city and discover it after the games have concluded. 

This pocket guide, which sells for around fifteen dollars, hasn’t forgotten such areas as Stanley Park, Grandville Island for the amateur artist, the bars of Gastown, the beaches of the West Side, the annual Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival, as well as the shops of South Hand Street. 

Lonely Planet has equally added some new guides to their impressive list of destinations, including Washington, Goa Beaches and Napa & Socoma. 

Lonely Planet also offers several of its guides in applications for the iPhone, including the guide of Vancouver.