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Federal government invests millions to help Manitoba’s heavy vehicle sector reduce emissions

The federal government wants to help Manitoba’s heavy vehicle and equipment sector go green with a $2.9 million investment.

The funding will go towards the Vehicle Technology Centre (VTC). The non-profit organization works with several leading companies to support technological advancements in the industry. The money is coming from a Prairies Economic Development Canada program.

Companies with the VTC will use the funding for research and development, helping manufacturers to move toward zero-emission propulsion.

Manitoba has a proud history of manufacturing large, on and off-road vehicles and equipment that are exported all over the world. These urban, highway and agricultural products are designed, developed and built right here in our province,” Ron Vanderwees, VTC CEO, said.

“The products and processes developed with this support will help Canada and other countries meet emission targets and maintain Manitoba’s leadership in heavy vehicle and equipment and low volume manufacturing process technology,” he continued.

The recently released federal budget has a couple of notable mentions about the government’s goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. This includes creating the Canada Growth Fund, which in part, will focus on helping businesses reduce their emissions.

Source: Prairies Economic Development Canada