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An (un)lucky horse saved by 40 firefighters

Lucky, a 20-year-old horse who was rescued from an extremely dangerous situation, is a true force of nature, full of resilience. After the ground suddenly gave way, Lucky found herself up to her neck in a chasm!

This unfortunate incident sparked a spectacular rescue operation in Los Angeles.

Maria Lastre was saddling Lucky for a ride when an accident occurred. Maria fell, hitting her chest on the saddle horn, but managed to escape before sinking with her horse into a chasm. Lucky wasn’t as lucky and got stuck, except that his neck and head were still visible.

The rescue operation was a demonstration of determination and solidarity.

More than 60 firefighters took part in the operation, including the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Urban Search and Rescue (USR) team, the Animal Department’s Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team (SMART) and the Sanitation Department.

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Firefighters spent nearly three hours working tirelessly to rescue Lucky from his abyss. The fire crew used excavators to remove the mud, and a carefully coordinated pulley system was then used to lift the 1,200-pound mare from the trap.

While the firefighters carefully dug out the soil to avoid any further injury or distress to Lucky, onlookers watched on eagerly.

Lucky’s owners were relieved by the incredible demonstration of both strategic and gentle rescue techniques. Lucky emerged covered in mud and with only a small wound to her leg, which was good news in the circumstances.

To the surprise of her owners and rescuers, Lucky was still able to walk when she emerged.

The horse remained calm throughout the operation until it was safe to lift him. Lucky is expected to spend several days convalescing before being saddled again.

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Lucky’s emergence from the abyss is an inspiring story about survival, community and heroism.

Clearly, Lucky is the perfect name for this remarkable survivor.